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Gawler and District College was created in 2013 through the amalgamation of Gawler High School, Evanston Primary School and Evanston Preschool. Despite new beginnings the school is steeped in rich history dating back to 1907 where the school was originally named the Gawler School of Mines and was located in Gawler East. Whilst we respect and draw on the past, our focus is on providing learning opportunities for all students that reflect the needs of all 21st Century learners.

Gawler and District College B-12 is a supportive, inclusive and enthusiastic community of independent thinkers. We are a learning community which encourages staff, students and parents to involve themselves fully in all aspects of school life with a focus on our core school values of Respect, Generosity and Excellence. Our students are welcoming, engaged and curious, and our staff passionate and committed to every students' need


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