Operation Hawkesbury (Vietnam War, 12 September 1968 to 24 September 1968)

About This Campaign

Vietnam War - Operation Hawkesbury 4RAR  / 1 RAR September 1968


A reconnaissance in force carried out in three stages, was one of the battalion's most successful operations.

The operation was conducted, initially, in AO Tuggerah.

The battalion moved into blocking positions east of Route Two on the western edge of the enemy zone known as the Thua Tich. 1 RAR then swept west.

Two companies, V and W companies, then moved north to the area of the Don Dien de Courtenay rubber plantation, as a result of intelligence, to intercept a consignment of rockets believed to be moving from east to west.

The battalion, less these two companies who joined it later, was then moved to the area of the Blackstone Trail to carry out a reconnaissance in force in AO Canowindra.



Showing 3 people of interest from campaign

MUC, Michael

Service number 2787512
Born 13 Oct 1946

BURNS, Robert

Service number 4718097
Lance Corporal
Born 25 Sep 1945

NOONAN, Michael James

Service number 2787793
Born 16 Feb 1947