Honour Roll for May

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'Anzac' / Gallipoli (Clear)


2nd Light Horse Regiment (Clear)


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Showing 3 of 3 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • WILSON, Graeme Lang
    Service numbers 230 , Lance Corporal, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 12 Jun 1890, Died 19 May 1915, Killed in Action
  • PHILLIPS, Thomas Harold
    Service numbers 199 , Trooper, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 14 Apr 1889, Died 14 May 1915, Died of wounds
  • UNDERHILL, Richard Mallett
    Service numbers 645 , Trooper, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 1892, Died 14 May 1915, Killed in Action

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