Honour Roll for May

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World War 1 (Clear)


20th Infantry Battalion (Clear)


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North Sydney (Clear)

Showing 5 of 5 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • GOWING, Walter Sydney
    Service numbers 1208, 4159 , Sergeant, 4th Field Company Engineers, AIF WW1, Died 2 May 1918, Died of wounds
  • PAGE, George Sydney
    Service numbers 2970, 2970A , Private, 20th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 3 May 1917, Killed in Service
  • REID, Denis Charles
    Service numbers 5083 , Lance Corporal, 20th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 3 May 1917, Killed in Service
  • JOHNSON, Percy Nielson
    Service numbers 2711 , Private, 20th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1891, Died 5 May 1916, Killed in action
  • KENDALL, Walter
    Service numbers 770B, 774 , Private, 20th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 3 May 1916, Died of wounds

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