Honour Roll for May

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Showing 5 of 5 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • DOWSE, Ralph Kell
    Service numbers 402814, 404136 , Sergeant, Operational Training Units (RAF), Royal Air Force (WW2), Born 15 Jan 1916, Died 21 May 1941, Accidental
  • JACKLIN, John Francis
    Service numbers 404853 , Sergeant, Born 15 Aug 1920, Died 9 May 1942, Flying Battle
  • PHILLIPPS, Roy Cecil
    Service numbers 860, OFFICER , Squadron Leader, Elementary Flying Training School, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 31 Jan 1896, Died 21 May 1941, Flying Accident
  • PIGOTT, John Michael Daniel
    Service numbers 435178 , Pilot Officer, No. 1 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 13 Sep 1924, Died 7 May 1945, Flying Accident
  • GARDE, Douglas Graham
    Service numbers 403680, 426079 , Flight Sergeant, No. 467 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 5 Oct 1920, Died 22 May 1944, Flying Battle

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