Breakfast Point War Memorial


Location Village Green Cnr Village Drive and Juniper Street Breakfast Point NSW 2137, Breakfast Point, Canada Bay - New South Wales, Australia
Type memorial

Adjacent to a flagstaff, the memorial is formed by two large rectangular sawn pieces of sandstone as the base. The top slab is set at a slight angle off the horizontal and attached to its upper surface are three bronze plaques. All three plaques were on the original memorial which was located at the Tennyson Road entrance to the former A.G.L. Mortlake Gasworks.

The largest and original plaque was in memory of the 45 employees who lost their lives in the Great War.

The second plaque, originally attached to the plinth of the Great War memorial, is dedicated to all those who served in the Second World War.
The third and smallest of the plaques records the unveiling of the Great War memorial by the then Governor of NSW in 1926.

The memorial was first established in1926, then in 2010. It was originally dedicated on 25 August 1926 and again on 13 November 2010. The re-dedication was performed by Her Excellency the Governor, Professor Marie Bashir.

Built 1926
Opened 25 August 1926 by Sir Dudley de Chair

Plaque 1
In memory of the employees of the Australian Gas Light Co. Who gave their lives for King and Country in the 1914 1918 World War.

Plaque 2
This tablet was unveiled by His Excellency The Governor Sir D R S de Chair, KCB, MVO, on the 25th August 1926.

Plaque 3
1939 - 1945 In memory of all who served in World War II and of those who gave their lives. 'Lest We Forget'.

Stone base
Lest We Forget


Very good condition

Sir Dudley de Chair, the State Governor, yesterday unveiled a tablet at the works of the Australian Gaslight Mortlake that has been erected by the company and its employees to the memory of 43 men from the Mortlake Gasworks who fell in the war. The Governor, attended by Mr. M. E. Penfold (Private Secretary), was received by Mr. G. J. Cohen (chairman of directors), Mr A. Wilson (general manager and secretary), Mr. Williams (assistant secretary), and a large proportion of the 1300 men employed at the works attended the function. Mr. Cohen expressed pleasure at the Governor's visit, and stated that 340 employees, of the Mortlake works had engaged in the war. Mr. Slattery, representative of the Gas Employees' Union, also welcomed the Governor. Sir Dudley de Chair said he was pleased to assist in doing honor to the men who had fallen in battle. Those who had engaged in and been fortunate to come through the war well knew what the Empire owed the men who had fought. He was glad that the initiative in so worthy a movement to perpetuate the memory of the fallen men by the erection of that tablet had come from the management, as by it there was created a bond between employer and employee that would be hard to break. The Governor was entertained at luncheon and afterwards inspected the huge gasworks.
Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW), 27 August 1926.


Showing 8 people of interest from memorial

MCRAE, William

Service number 2531
2nd Field Artillery Brigade
Born 4 Jan 1893

CLANCY, John Charles

Service number 2252
13th Infantry Battalion
Born 28 Jun 1886

NICHOLSON, Walter William

Service number 4612
45th Infantry Battalion
Born 1895

BOLTON, William

Service number 4068
18th Infantry Battalion

ORCHARD, Leslie Alfred

Service number 29329
4th Field Artillery Brigade
Born 12 Jun 1891

THORNTON, Milton Frank

Service number 91
3rd Infantry Battalion
Born 1895

LEWIS, Thomas Cecil Enoch

Service number 3855
19th Infantry Battalion

MACDONALD, Reginald Wallace

Service number 3398
13th Infantry Battalion

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