Wooden with two panels and gold lettering
Made of Australian Blackwood
At St. Peters Town Hall on Friday evening a roll of honour to those who had gone to the front from the East Adelaide School was unveiled by Hon. F.W. Coneybeer, the Speaker of the House of Assembly. His Worship the Mayor of St. Peters (Mr. R.V. Wilson) presided. In performing the ceremony of the evening Mr. Coneybeer said that the love of children for their old school was wonderful, and if the 300 men from the East Adelaide School, whose names appeared on that roll of honour, were enrolled in one battalion, what an incentive it would be to them to fight for the honour of their old school. On that roll of honour every old east Adelaide boy might have his name inscribed, the greatest dunce and the greatest scholar, and he would say the greater the dunce the greater the credit. In days to come the history lesson would include the greatest war the world had ever known, and the teacher would be able to point with pride to the names of the old boys of that school who had taken part in the war.
The roll of honour was then unveiled. Addresses were also delivered by the Hon. W.H. Harvey, M.L.C., Col. Price Weir, V.D., D.S.O. and Mr. M.M. Maughan (Director of Education). A number of songs were admirably rendered by the school children. Occasion was also taken to bid farewell to Mr. R. Sutton, the headmaster of the East Adelaide School, who has been promoted to Goodwood, and he was presented with framed photographs of the school and the roll of honour.
The Mail Sat 15 June 1918 page 3