RSL House. A bronze plaque affixed to the wall at the head of the stairway entrance to the club-rooms. A globe that in turn is surmounted by a lion and a kangaroo is above the bronze roll. Cast bronze figures of Diggers with bayonets fixed in an 'On Guard' stance are on either side of the roll.
A meeting was convened on the 11th January 1918 by Mr Stretton to consider the establishment of a Roll of Honour of Northern Territory Soldiers who had fallen in the Great War. The Administrator (Dr. Gilruth), and Captain Barker, cordially supported the objects of the meeting. Captain Barker said that as far as the records could be traced 283 men had enlisted from Darwin a worthy number of very worthy men. The Mayor said that the Territory had sent more men pro rata to the population to the War than any other place in Australia, and he was proud of it. Mr. D. A. Roberts moved "That a lasting memorial be established in honor of the Northern Territory soldiers who have lost their lives in the war. It should be of bronze, and be affixed to a wall in the Town Hall." Mr. F. I. Finniss seconded.
Mr. W. C. P. Bell moved an amendment that the proposed Roll of Honor should include the names of every man from the Territory who had served and the time for a great and lasting memorial to the heroic dead had not yet come. Mr. W. J. Young seconded. Speaking to the motion the Mayor said that the Town Council already held a sum which was to be devoted to a fitting permanent memorial and that in due course the Council would see that a worthy monument was erected. After some discussion the motion proposed by Mr. Roberts was carried and the Mayor, Messrs. K. J. Evans and R. Toupein were appointed a committee, with Mr. E. M. Christie as Treasurer, to collect funds and arrange details. It was further decided that subscriptions should be limited to 5 shillings, so that every resident might have an opportunity to contribute.
Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin), 12th January 1918.