Hahndorf South African Honour Roll


Location Mount Barker Road, Hahndorf, Mount Barker - South Australia, Australia
Type honour_board

Tucked away in the supper room at the Hahndorf Institute is a particularly fine honour roll or tablet commemorating the service of 17 local boys in the South African War 1899-­‐1902. Originally positioned in the schoolroom at Hahndorf College, a boarding school, it was unveiled by Louis von Doussa, Attorney-­‐General and old scholar, on 25 January 1904. The Register described the honour roll in these terms: ‘The tablet, which is on the wall of the large schoolroom, consists of a panel in a substantial oak frame, the whole being over 7 ft. high. The upper part contains the arms of Australia, carved in oak; while on the panel in gold letters on a dark blue background

Built Not yet discovered
Opened Not yet discovered

“South Africa (1899-­‐1902),”

the motto of the school, “Haec olim meminisse juvabit,” followed

by the names of 17 old scholars who took part in the South African  War. These are:-­


Hahndorf College Old Scholars Who Served in the Boer War 1899-1902



View Tributes of Honour Description


Showing 1 person of interest from memorial

WRIGHT, Allan O'Halloran

Service number 17
Unspecified British Units
British Forces (All Conflicts)
Born 27 Apr 1886

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