Woy Woy Memorial Park


Location Brickwharf Road, Woy Woy, New South Wales, Australia
Type memorial

Maintained by Gosford City Council and Woy Woy RSL.

On the fence, beside the gate, is a plaque :- "Wall completed 1974 RSL Sub Branch Memorial Club Gosford Shire Council".

There is a plaque ontop of the long walls (with white plaques commemorating servicemen and women on each side of the walls): "Erected by Woy Woy Ettalong Hardy's Bay Returned and Services League Sub-Branch. Significant Contributors: Commonwealth Government State Government of New South Wales Gosford City Council RSL NSW CCDC Vietnam Veterans Federation Gosford City Sub-Branch National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association War Widows Guild Ettalong Mr A Laundy AM. Generous Members of the Sub-Branch Dedicated by DEJ Rowe State President Returned and Services League New South Wales 4th September 2005 President B Router Secretary J Carney This plaque was donated by E McMyrtrie & Son's [sic] Monumental Masons Point Clare".

There are many rosemary bushes growing throughout the park and in front of the sign. Rosemary is for remembrance. Many people wear a sprig of it on Anzac day and those with large bushes of it in their garden often cut sprigs to hand out to strangers in the streets.

Sourced and submitted by Julianne T Ryan. 9/6/2016. Lest we forget,

Built T Andrews & Sons (Lidcombe, NSW)
Opened 25 April 1925

To Our Boys
Who have stood in the forefront of the battle with the Elite of the worlds heroes, fighting for Liberty, Home & Empire.

This Monument is gratefully dedicated by the citizens of Woy Woy.



Showing 1 person of interest from memorial

OWEN, Rhys Frederick

Service number 62956
Leading Aircraftman
Born 23 Jan 1922

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