Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall


Location Rockingham Road & Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill, City of Cockburn - Western Australia, Australia
Type buildings

The Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall was erected to commemorate the soldiers and sailors of Hamilton Hill who fought in World War One.

Built Not yet discovered
Opened 19 July 1925 by Mesdames Dixon and Poole

Hamilton Hill Memorial Hall


Sailors and Soldiers Memorial

This stone was laid by His Excellency the Governor Sir William Campion. K.C.M.G on the 21st May 1925

Allen & Nicholas Architects
R. Rennie Builder

"Lest we forget

This stone was laid on the 21st March 1925 by Mrs W. M. Winfield to the memory of the glorious dead and in honour of the gallant living who took part in the Great War 1914 - 18



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