Grey granite obelisk with ball at top
A handsome memorial pillar of Harcourt granite, 18ft, high, on a three-tier pedestal, erected at the junction of the Tallangatta, Corryong, Tintaldra, and Cudgewa roads, in honour of soldiers of the Cudgewa district who took part in the Great War was unveiled by Mr. Beardmore, M.L.A., in the presence of a large and representative gathering. After the unveiling ceremony an adjournment was made to the public hall, where speeches were made by Councillor A. Harris who presided; Mr. Beardmore, Dr. Greenham, president of the Returned Soldiers' League; and Mr. G. K. Jeffcot. The memorial contains the names of 60 men, 12 of whom gave their lives.
Argus (Melbourne), 12 February 1929.