The memorial is a beautiful piece of monumental masonry erected at a cost of about £3500. It stands 36 ft. high and consists of three Harcourt granite steps, polished Balmoral red and grey Harcourt granite pedestal with a segmental base on top of which stands the figure of a soldier in white marble 6 ft. high, with arms at the reverse. The expression of infinite sadness on the soldier's stern face is a fine example of the sculptor's art. The base of the pedestal bears the following inscription: "Hallowed to the memory of the gallant men and women who fell in the great war, 1914-1918, for the freedom of the world. Then shall they stand before the throne an exceeding great army, and in that last muster shall be found there our own beloved." The pedestal is surmounted by a Balmoral red granite column, marble capped with a beautiful figure of Peace 7ft. 9in. high on top. On the four faces of the pedestal are the words "Sacrifice, Courage, Fortitude, Victory." At the back of the monument is erected four panel led Balmoral red and Harcourt granite posts. The two in front are surmounted by electric lamps, and the two at the entrance to Cannon Hill have polished granite globes on top and support the pair of specially designed memorial gates 8ft. high and 10ft. wide. Attached to these posts is an octagonal wing wall with polished Balmoral red granite panels and marble centre strips. On these panels is inscribed in gold letters the names of all those who enlisted from Warrnambool and district, numbering about 1,450, including 240 fallen men. The whole of the work, with the exception of the marble figures which were specially imported from Italy, was carried out here, and was erected in a skilled and workmanlike manner by the contractors, Messrs Wooles and Carpenter, Kepler street, Warrnambool.
Camperdown Chronicle (Vic.), 29 April 1926.