Wooden Honour Board with oval inset photographs behind glass
On Friday last, a picnic was held in the State school ground, Baranduda. The occasion being the unveiling of the school Honor Roll. After sports and games were indulged in by the young and old, people, who had congregated not only from Baranduda, but also Wodonga and surrounding districts, gathered in front of the school, when a beautiful Honor Roll, containing the names and photos of twenty former scholars of the school, who had fought nobly in the cause of freedom (50 per cent. of whom had paid the extreme sacrifice) was unveiled by Mr. Beardmore, who, in a few well-chosen words, spoke of duty nobly done by the men whose names appeared on the Roll. Rev. W. A. Williams and Mr. Armytage (State school inspector) also spoke, and dwelt, mainly, upon the deeds of the men, who, by their great sacrifices, had laid a foundation stone in Australia, upon which would be built a greater and better nation than we ever thought of before the war. The Australian soldiers, by their deeds, had advertised Australia to the whole wide world.
Gunner G. Street and Corporal Bartel, on behalf of themselves and comrades, thanked the speakers for their kindly words, and the Baranduda people for erecting such a fine Honor Roll in their honor. A sumptuous tea was then provided by.the ladies, after which the gathering dispersed, everyone being well satisfied with the days' outing.
Wodonga and Towong Sentinel (Vic), 10 October 1919.