Showing 1 person of interest from memorial
Service number OFFICER
4th Infantry Battalion
Born 12 Nov 1881
Location | Cnr Church and West Streets, North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia |
Type | plaque |
Description | Brass plaque with wooden frame on inside left hand wall of the church During Evensong at St Thomas's Church of England, North Sydney, last night, the rector (Rev. Horace Crotty, M.A.) unveiled a memorial tablet to the memory of the late Lieutenant Richard Seldon, who died while leading his men in the attack on Lone Pine. The tablet was erected to the deceased officer's memory by his many friends in the athletic world.
Built | Not yet discovered |
Opened | Not yet discovered |
Inscription | To the greater glory of God
Killed in action at Lone Pine, Gallipoli
Greater love hath no man than this
Of the dead who have fallen in battle, the wide earth itself is the
Condition | Good |
Showing 1 person of interest from memorial
Service number OFFICER
4th Infantry Battalion
Born 12 Nov 1881