The memorial is an obelisk constructed of polished segmented grey and white granite which stands atop of a rough hewn granite base some 4.3 metres square. The obelisk is decorated with traditional wreath designs carved into opposite faces, beneath which are inscribed the names of those who were killed in World War One. The memorial also contains the names of the fallen of World War Two.
On Sunday, October 22nd, one of the largest crowds for many years congregated to witness the unveiling of the monument, which has been erected as a tribute from the late Francis Pearse, in memory of the boys of the Irwin district who fell in the late war. The service was conducted by the Rev. F. Christensen and the Rev. E. Gill. The monument is of blue granite from Mundaring, and is 14ft. high. The Rev. F. Christensen called on Lieutenant I. C. Burges to perform the unveiling ceremony. Lieutenant Burges in a short address, spoke feelingly of the boys who had paid the supreme sacrifice, stating that out of 80 odd who enlisted, 25 names appeared on the column. Other speakers were Mr. Wood and Mr. E. Field, and Mrs. Waldeck sang "He Wipes a Tear from Every Eye."
Geraldton Guardian (WA), 2 November 1922.