David Hugh SPRING

SPRING, David Hugh

Service Number: 60292
Enlisted: 25 April 1918
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 16th to 27th Reinforcements (NSW)
Born: Pine Ridge, NSW, 1 March 1874
Home Town: Gulgong, Mid-Western Regional, New South Wales
Schooling: Newington College
Occupation: Auctioneer
Died: Mudgee, NSW, 7 June 1947, aged 73 years, cause of death not yet discovered
Cemetery: Mudgee General Cemetery, New South Wales
Memorials: Gulgong District Soliders Memorial, Mudgee St John The Baptist SPRING Memorial Plaque
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World War 1 Service

25 Apr 1918: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 60292, 16th to 27th Reinforcements (NSW)
4 Sep 1918: Involvement Private, 60292, 16th to 27th Reinforcements (NSW), --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '20' embarkation_place: Sydney embarkation_ship: HMAT Bakara embarkation_ship_number: A41 public_note: ''
4 Sep 1918: Embarked Private, 60292, 16th to 27th Reinforcements (NSW), HMAT Bakara, Sydney

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Biography contributed by Faithe Jones

The death occurred on Saturday last of Mr Hughie Spring, an old resident of Mudgee. The deceased was very well known throughout the Mendooran district. Mr Spring took ill on Thursday and passed away peacefully on the Saturday. His funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Mudgee. Not many men have led a more eventful life than the late Mr Spring. Already a Boer War veteran, he led the famous Kookaburras in the campaign for enlistments during the 1914-18 war, and also served a term as the
State member for Mudgee.

Passing of a Fine
He Served Well His
By the passing of David Hugh Spring, as briefly reported, in Monday's 'Guardian'. Mudgee has lost one of its most distinguished and best-beloved citizens. Through out a long and honorable life he aimed at the uplift of his fellows. and has left behind a record of proud achievement. We know that his memory will ever be revered in this district. Born at Pine Ridge, in the Leadville district, some 75 years ago, he went with his peopie to Young while still a youth. After a period at the school in that centre, he
went on to Newington College, Sydney, where he qualified for the banking profession. He entered the old Australian Joint Stock Bank, and remained with that institution for some time.
Then the urge for a more free and active life manifested itself, and he joined with the McCabes and others in mining ventures at the noted Captain's Flat field. The spirit of adventure satisfied for the time being, he returned to Mudgee, and linked up with the old stock and station agency of Stewart & Smith, In this capacity he firmly established himself, and built up a reputation for honest dealing and sympathetic consideration which he enjoyed throughout life.
When the Boer War broke out the late Mr. Spring being a steadfast Empire man, linked up with the Australian forces, and served overseas with distinction. Some time after his return from South Africa he commenced operations on his own account at Gulgong, and there, as usual, he attracted a wide circle of friends. While in the neighbouring town, the war gongs sounded again, and although getting on in years, and with strong home ties, he considered it his duty to enlist. He duly went overseas with the first A.I F. and was spared to return to his loved ones and the friends whom he valued so greatly. Later on, his services were secured by the old established firm of Crossing & Cox, and while in their employ he was urged to oppose Mr. W. F. Dunn for the Mudgee seat. He threw himself into the campaign with characteristic thoroughness, and friends from far and near rallied to his banner, with the result that he was returned by a substantial majority. He served his constituents, as he had served his country and Empire, with honesty of purpose, and gained the respect of both Party and Opposition members. At the following election there was a swing back to Labour and the Mudgee seat was regained by Mr. Dunn. During his latter years, the late Mr. Spring took over the secretary ship of the Star Building Society, and served the Board of Directors and shareholders wich marked efficiency.
In, the Masonic world, deceased was a notable figure. One of the pioneer members of Lodge Edinburgh St. John, he held all the high offices with distinction, and added lustre to the Order. He was also Foundation Master of the Mendooran Lodge, and  maintained a keen interest in its affairs right up till the last.
In rifle shooting circles, too, he was widely known. From his very early days he was associated With the Mudgee Rifle Club — in fact, he was one of the pioneers. On many country ranges he achieved remarkable success, and was also prominent in big metropolitan shoots over very many years. On the administrative side, he gave a life-time of grand service to the sport to which he was so passion ately devoted, occupying a seat on the National Rifle Association Council, and being in office as president of the Mudgee District Rifle Club's Union up to the time of his death. 
Some little time ago, he suffered a reverse in health, and it was thought that his shooting days had drawn to a close, but his enthusiasm triumphed over all disabilities, and he not only joined the ranks of his eld club again, but had the gratification of  topping the score in a recent shoot. 
A few days before his last illness he represented his club in a match against Cooyal, and, as usual, more than held his own with younger rivals. It can be said with perfect truth that Mr. Hugh Spring's memory will be held in deep reverence by an army of marksmen all over, the State. Although rifle shooting was first in his affections, he was genuinely interested in the amateur, ride of racing, and his association with the Bligh Club was full of pleasant memories. Among the members of this old organisation he will be sadly missed.
In his home life, deceased was particularly happy, and his sudden passing came as a crushing blow to his widow and family. They may find some solace, however, in the knowledge that their loved one lived a full and noble life, and left behind him an honored named. The members of the family are Garry (Mudgee), Dave (Wellington), Peggy (Mudgee), and Mrs. Boyce (Dubbo). To the sorrowing ones we offer our deepest sympathy. Another son, Tom, gave up his life for his country in the last war.