Home Page Stories

Home Page Archives

The following is a collection of all articles previously published on the VWMA Home Page. They have been sorted by conflict and/or themes

Boxer Rebellion

The Boxers and the Protector: Australian Engagement with Asia at the Turn of the Century

Boer War

120th Anniversary of the Relief of Kimberley - Boer War

140th Anniversary of a Colonial Catastrophe - and SA's first native born soldier to die in combat

Queen Victoria's Last War

South Australian Nurses and the Second Anglo-Boer War

World War One

The New Year: 1916

John Simpson Kirkpatrick and his Donkey

The Anzac spirit embodied in SA’s 10th Battalion

The Worst Day in Australian Military History – Fromelles 19/20 July 1916

"Poor Devils": The Battle of Pozières

"I would rather be on Gallipoli": The Battle of Pozieres

Hill 60 Gallipoli – the last gasp for the 3rd Light Horse Brigade

The Australasian Soldiers Dardanelles Cenotaph & the Origins of Anzac Day

Letter to the Prime Minister 23rd September 1915

A WWI Selfie - A South Australian Fighter Ace

The South Australian Red Cross Information Bureau

The Battle of Adelaide: The Cheer-Up Society and the Returned Soldiers Association

Patrick Andreas Ohlstrom Trailer

HMAS-AE1 - Australia's most enduring naval mystery solved 21 December 2017

Patrick Andreas Ohlstrom - His Journey through the Great War

‘Thunder of a light horse charge’ - 100 Years of Controversy

Evacuation of Gallipoli - 105 Years

ANZAC Day Biscuits

Remembering ANZAC after 105 years

31 October - Beersheba Anniversary

The Battle of Amiens 8th August 1918 - The Beginning of the End of the Great War / "der Schwarze Tag"

The Last to Fall - Australians Killed in Action WW1

Anzac Day Timeline

Port Lincoln in the Great War

Peaceful Penetration - Low-Cost, High-Gain tactics on the Western Front

Le Hamel 4th July 1918 - Blueprint for Victory

Mont St Quentin / Peronne 30th August -2 September 1918

One Hundred Years since the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

Archaeology on the Anzac battlefield

November 1918 - by Robert S Kearney

Someone to Watch Over Them - AIF Nurses

The Political Battle at the Beginning of the War: the 1914 Federal Election

The Long And The Short Of It - The AIF’s Most Uniquely Sized Soldiers

The Australian Merchant Navy during the Great War

The Western Front – The War Underground

A Shoebox of WWI Portraits

Russia - The October Revolution and its impact on the First World War

The Bicycle Boys

Company Runners - The AIFs Real-Life Movie Stars

The Mustard Gas Men

Diary of a Destroyer: the HMAS Parramatta in German New Guinea

World War Two

February 1942 - The Loss of Ambon and Gull Force

February 1942 - Singapore Triptych

Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin

Java, March 1942- 'Blackforce' and the loss of the HMAS Perth

Battle Honours - RAAF Pilot Awarded The Silver Star - Edward Mobsby

The Campaign in Dutch Timor and Sparrow Force - Daniel Minchin

Crete: 75 Years On

The Vyner Brooke / Radji Beach Atrocity

Kokoda Campaign 1942 “Australia’s Thermopylae”

75th Anniversary of the Formation of the Australian Women's Army Service

Australian POWs in Nagasaki

Victory in the Pacific

An Outstanding Pilot - Dudley Marrows DSO DFC

‘Dutch Courage’ - Hans de Vries’ (April 22, 1923 – January 12, 2019) and No. 18 Squadron NEI / RAAF

Bougainville: November 1944

80 Years since the declaration of War on Germany to begin the Second World War

Completion of the Thai Burma Railway

Australians in the Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain – Part 2

Battle of Britain Day

Battle of Britain Part 3

Battle of Britain Part 4

The Atomic Bomb

The Battle of the Coral Sea

Australia's shift from the United Kingdom to the United States

Battle of Milne Bay

The First and the Last – RAAF Kittyhawk Fighter Pilots in the SW Pacific

The Diamond Dakota

Gus Winckel’s Bronze Lion

Broome’s Flying Boat Wrecks

Victory in Europe (VE ) Day 2020 - 8th May

VE Day - 75 Years Later by Ned Young

The Battle of Crete

The Fall of Singapore

The Bombing of Darwin

Remembering the Sandakan Prisoner of War Camp and Death Marches

"Operation Chastise" The Dams Raid 16/17 May 1943

The POW Death Ships – Australia’s Worst Maritime Disasters

19 November - Anniversary of the Sinking of HMAS Sydney

Sister Mary Hamilton McFarlane and the Tragedy of the AHS Centaur

BCOF - The Forgotten Battalions

Malaya and Borneo

Malaya & Borneo Veterans' Day

Konfrontasi- Coming Home: The 111th Light Anti Aircraft Battery in 1966

Vietnam War

January 1968 - Remembering Corporal Graham Norley

The RSL Virtual War Memorial welcomes Professor Robert O’Neill AO as its Military History Ambassador

18th August 1966 - The Battle of Long Tan - an overview

Crystal Brook Commemorates Vietnam

Remembering Gang Toi - 55 Years

First Track by Peter Haran

The Peter Badcoe VC Medal

The Cross of Long Tan's return to Australian War Memorial

My ANZAC Days - Vietnam 19 Apr 1966 to 12 May 1967


ADF Peacekeeper's Day


A Tale of Two Soldiers

Book Launch: The Private War of Solomon William Jacobs

Captain George Thyne Reid

Corporal Andrew Ireland BEM

Corporal Frank McLean MM – A proud great grand-daughter honours his service in Singapore

Ex-POW Leader Bill Schmitt dies at 97

From Prisoner to Guard: The Life and Service of Leslie Walter Parish

Harold Box - The 49th Man Executed in South Australia

Harold Carseldine

Interned: An Italian Prince in South Australia

Leon Maxwell Gellert – Adelaide’s Own Soldier-Poet of the Great War

Local Hero Charlie D’Antoine

Megan Spencer a winner in the MEAA State Media Awards

Posthumous honour for Lieutenant Ronald George WILLIAMS TX2146 2nd/40th Battalion

Private Max Gordon HUDSON SX 17807 A Family Dedication

Ronald Lindsay Johnson and his corner of Australia

Saving Private Bishop - Andrew Faulkner

Stanley Melbourne Bruce: Soldier, Politician, Statesman, Viscount

Tasman Leonard Williams

The Art of Jack Dale Mengenen

The Fisherman's Friend - Ray Frauenfelder (5RAR)

The Life and Poetry of Kenneth Slessor

The life and times of Hugh Bower - celebrating 100 years

The Many Talents of Sir Hubert Wilkins

The Potter Brothers

The Symons of South Australia


A Christmas Truce of a Different Kind

Australian Christmases at War

Christmas in Dili

Christmas in Film

Christmas in the Trenches

Reflections on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 1916

Remembrance Day Under Fire

The 1914 Christmas Truce - Determining Fact From Fiction

The Christmas Truce - a remarkable Australian connection

The Origins of Remembrance Day


An Outstanding Innings - 102 not out! Adelaide's War Memorial Oak

Flanders Memorial Garden Unveiled

Vale David Whitlock Hesketh Jones: 4 June 1922 - 13 June 2020

VALE William (Bill) Park CBE AM: A Crusader at Rest

We Will Remember - Bill Park

Maryborough ANZAC Memorial Walk during the recent floods

Vale James Burrowes OAM 1923-2024


2016 Christmas Appeal

"Don't Forget Me, Cobber" Luncheon - Port Lincoln

Don’t Forget me Cobber Lunch - Adelaide 6 October 2017

General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove is National Patron of Virtual war memorial Australia

Raid on Celtic Wood Launch

Robert Kearney Honoured with an OAM

Two years on and so much to be proud of!

VP Day Reflections by Peter L Williams

Western Front to Normandy Tour 2018

New Team Member - VWMA School Manager

The Lonely ANZAC

Seven Silent Minutes

The Price of Peace at Last

Australians and the Road to Damascus

Lines of Communication: News from the Front

Recitation - The Creeping Barrage : Siegfried Sassoon

Welcome Home - the Return of the Unknown Soldier

Violet Town: Commemorating a Community

The Well Travelled Soldiers

NAIDOC Week 2016

We Will Remember Them All

A Century of Remembrance

The First Conscription Referendum

The Wounds We Cannot See

War Dogs Honoured

Poetry of War

Good News From Home

Echoes of Remembrance

The Mystery of the Black Cat

Kapara: Convalescence during the World Wars

RSL SA Turns 100 Today

Valour and Violets

The Tale of an Enduring Friendship - MeWei 3027

Education and Remembrance - Telling Their Story

Hallowed Ground - Women Doctors at War

Remembering the Dead, Ancient and Modern

Kicking Goals Behind the Barbed Wire

The Bayonet - All you need to know.

THE ANZAC SPIRIT - Alive and well in our young people


Silent His Wings - A Sister’s Tribute

Bringing the Boys Home - Repatriation and Demobilisation

Operation Sea Lion

Australia’s Soldiers and the Vote – An Election Special

National Reconciliation Week 2022