BOMONT, Arthur

Service Numbers: Not yet discovered
Enlisted: Not yet discovered
Last Rank: Wireless Operator
Last Unit: SS Wimmera
Born: Glasgow, Scotland, date not yet discovered
Home Town: Not yet discovered
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Not yet discovered
Died: Sinking of SS Wimmera, At Sea - approximately 24 nautical miles North-West by West of Hooper's Point, New Zealand, 26 June 1918, age not yet discovered
Cemetery: No known grave - "Known Unto God"
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Commemorative Roll, Campbell Australian Merchant Seamen Honour Roll, Tower Hill Memorial
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World War 1 Service

Date unknown: Involvement Wireless Operator, SS Wimmera

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Biography contributed

Survivors from the Wimmera have referred in terms of admiration to the heroic manner in which the wireless  operator, Mr. Arthur Bomont, remained at his post  when the disaster occurred.
Other evidence goes to show that when last seen Mr. Bomont was entering his cabin, with the purpose of  using his emergency apparatus - in an attempt to  send out an "S.O.S" signal. For some years Mr. Bomont was a member of the first Northcote (N.Z.)  troop of Boy Scouts, which he joined soon after his  arrival in New Zealand, as a lad from Glasgow, where  he was born, and was attached for some, time to the  Boys' Brigade. As a Scout leader his influence amongst  his comrades was remarkable, and subsequently, when attached to the territorials, his manly qualities and high sense of honor made for him  many friends. In the early stages of the war  Mr.  Bomont was wireless operator in the Talune, and he  was subsequently engaged on various intercolonial  steamers and vessels trading between Sydney and  Brisbane.