Service Number: Chaplain
Enlisted: 1 April 1915
Last Rank: Captain (Chaplain 4th Class)
Last Unit: Australian Army Chaplains' Department
Born: Wallsend, New South Wales, 11 June 1876
Home Town: Paddington, Woollahra, New South Wales
Schooling: Sydney High School and Sydney University
Occupation: Presbyterian Minister
Died: Gladesville, New South Wales, 6 January 1923, aged 46 years, cause of death not yet discovered
Cemetery: Field Of Mars Cemetery, Ryde, NSW
Presbyterian Old Portion Portion 415G
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World War 1 Service

1 Apr 1915: Enlisted AIF WW1, Captain (Chaplain 4th Class) , Chaplain, Australian Army Chaplains' Department
10 Apr 1915: Embarked AIF WW1, Captain (Chaplain 4th Class) , Chaplain, Australian Army Chaplains' Department, Embarked on HMAT 'A20' Hororata from Sydney on 10th April 1915


THE MINISTER IN CHARGE TODAY Is the Rev. George Chalmers, who is a native of Wallsend, and gained his education at the Sydney High School, and then at the University. He originally studied pharmacy, but entered the University subsequently, and completed Ills course for the ministry In 1903. He was licensed by the Presbator of tho Hunter, and is one of tho two clergy who have thus be on licensed. In 1902 he was ordained and inducted, and had charge of the Woodburn Presbyterian Church. Here he remained until June, 1904, when he look up home mission work through the length and breadth of Now South Wales. On March 27 this year he was inducted as in minster in charge of St. John's, Presbyterian Church, Paddington. There he has worked strenuously since, much to the advantage of the parish. At present, the congregation are celebrating the jubilee of the church, and arousing every endeavor to make their rejoicings worthy of the occasion. Connected with the congregation there Is a large and well-organised Sabbath school, a well-trained choir, a flourishing Christian Endeavor Society and a variety of juvenile societies.
There are in the congregation some very old members, who have been familiar with its history from the outset.

Sunday Times Sunday 20 October 1907 page

Showing 1 of 1 story

Biography contributed by Daryl Jones

The death took place at Blairgowrie, Western-crescent, Gladesville, on Saturday morning of the Rev. George Chalmers, minister of the Gladesville Presbyterian Church, at the age of 46 years. He was a native of the Illawarra district, and was educated at the Sydney High School, the Sydney University, and the Theological Hall. Previous to his appointment to Gladesville seven years ago he was stationed at Woodburn, Jervis Bay, and at Paddington For a term he filled the position of moderator of the Sydney Presbytery, and was a member of the standing committees. The deceased minister was a chaplain of the naval forces, and served at the front in that capacity. He has left a widow and two children.
Prior to the funeral, which will take place at tho Field of Mare Cemetery this afternoon, a service will be conducted by the moderator In the Gladesville Church at 2 p.m.

Sydney Morning Herald Monday 08 January 1923 page 10