BUCHANAN, Joseph David
Service Number: | Officer |
Enlisted: | 7 November 1914, Brisbane, Queensland |
Last Rank: | Captain |
Last Unit: | 2nd Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance |
Born: | Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 11 May 1880 |
Home Town: | Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland |
Schooling: | St Josephs College & Sydney University |
Occupation: | Doctor |
Died: | GSW (self inflicted), Cairo, Egypt, 21 December 1915, aged 35 years |
Cemetery: |
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery |
Memorials: | Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour |
World War 1 Service
7 Nov 1914: | Enlisted AIF WW1, Captain, 2nd Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance, Brisbane, Queensland | |
16 Dec 1914: |
AIF WW1, Captain, 2nd Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance, Enlistment/Embarkation WW1, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '22' embarkation_place: '' embarkation_ship: '' embarkation_ship_number: '' public_note: '' |
16 Dec 1914: | Embarked AIF WW1, Captain, 2nd Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance, HMAT Borda, Brisbane | |
7 Aug 1915: |
AIF WW1, Captain, Officer, 2nd Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance, ANZAC / Gallipoli, --- :awm_ww1_roll_of_honour_import: awm_service_number: awm_unit: 2nd Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance awm_rank: Captain awm_died_date: 1915-12-21 |
FH Smith diary entry 22 Dec 1915
"One of best men unit ever had both professionally and personally. B'de (sic) sent firing party and lot of our men went to funeral"
Submitted 11 July 2019 by Judith Smith
Further cables have been received to the effect that Captain (Dr.) J. D. Buchanan, completely broken in health, and while demented as a result of a further relapse of dysentery, himself brought about the end. Dr J. D. Buchanan enlisted early in the war as a member of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance. After a period of service in Egypt he was moved to Gallipoli soon after the famous landing at Anzac. Subsequently he was present at most of the big engagements. As every one knows, conditions in the trenches are most severe. Months of hardship and overwork to gether with the nerve-racking, mental strain eventually told their tale with the result that Dr Buchanan shattered in health was, invalided to Egypt. An end so tragic as this will be deeply deplored by the innumerable friends of Dr. Buchannn whose widespread popularity was largely due to his high principles and intense devotion. The sympathy of all will be extended for one who, devoted to duty, has laid down his life for his country." - from the Brisbane Courier 28 Dec 1915 (nla.gov.au)