ALLANSON, William Walter George
Service Number: | 6549 |
Enlisted: | 9 November 1916, Adelaide, South Australia |
Last Rank: | Private |
Last Unit: | 50th Infantry Battalion |
Born: | Norwood, South Australia, Australia, 18 October 1890 |
Home Town: | Adelaide, South Australia |
Schooling: | Not yet discovered |
Occupation: | Methodist Clergyman |
Died: | North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 26 April 1938, aged 47 years, cause of death not yet discovered |
Cemetery: | Not yet discovered |
Memorials: | Kadina & District WW1 Roll of Honor, Kulpara District Council Roll of Honour, Magill Honour Board, Paskeville Honour Roll WW1, Paskeville Soldiers Memorial Gates |
World War 1 Service
9 Nov 1916: | Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 6549, Adelaide, South Australia | |
24 Jan 1917: |
AIF WW1, Private, 6549, 27th Infantry Battalion, Enlistment/Embarkation WW1, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '15' embarkation_place: Adelaide embarkation_ship: HMAT Miltiades embarkation_ship_number: A28 public_note: '' |
24 Jan 1917: | Embarked AIF WW1, Private, 6549, 27th Infantry Battalion, HMAT Miltiades, Adelaide | |
20 May 1919: | Discharged AIF WW1, Private, 6549, 50th Infantry Battalion |
The Late Rev. W. W. G. Allanson
Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 6 May 1938, page 8
The Late Rev. W. W. G. Allanson
[All Methodists deeply mourn the passing of that choice spirit, W. W. G. Allanson. With a sad but sympathetic interest our readers will notice the references of his old comrades which are published below. Rev. R. H. Davidson, D.C.M., was able, with complete sincerity, to pay a noble tribute to the memory of a good man. We earnestly pray that God's infinite mercy may alleviate the sorrow of this stricken family.
We believe that the tributes of Mr. Davidson and Mr. Brown will be treasured by the sorrowing ones all the days of their lives. We know that W. W. G. Allanson was one of the noblest men who has ever entered our ministry, and we thank God for his life and influence.—Ed.]
Speaking at the service in Halifax Street Church, Rev. R. H. Davidson, D.C.M., said:—
To me is given the privilege to make vocal some of our inmost thoughts concerning William G. Allanson, who was accepted for our ministry in 1915. In a real sense he is with us. Could he speak, he would say "Keep silent," or perhaps, "If you will speak, do not 'butter truth.'" truth.'" His earliest years, spent in the Magill-Norwood District, were years of definite searching for truth. This "Truth" instead, found This "Truth" him. He became a local preacher, and his pulpit extended to the factory in which he worked. Fearlessly he denounced wrong, and, with fervour with flavouring of John the Baptist, he urged repentance. After a circuit-assistancy at Paskeville, Brother Allan-son was accepted as a candidate for our ministry. His ministry has been one of absolute devotion to His Master, and to the Church. Every detail received meticulous care. Circuit routine, however burdensome, was never slummed. Sermons were written in full. Pastoral visitation was efficiently and sympathetically carried out. Never did detail become his master. He was master of detail. Out-standing has been his unswerving fearlessness in the cause of Right, cost what it would. To court favour was anathema to him. Necessarily, then, he made enemies. But these, only because they dared to flaunt their wrong-doing. Just as necessarily, these manly (may I say, Christ-like) qualities made friends, of whom not a few were strengthened in their devotion to Christ. His strength, too, was the strength of tenderness. Not to all was given the privilege of knowing this side of his character. His ruggedness was apparent, but he was essentially the home-lover. In the parental home, and in his own, these traits were known to the full. Of latter years his fight against ill-health was most heroic. "Capitulation" was not in his vocabulary. To the last, his expressed thought was "recovery" and "return to his work at Snowtown" — where pastor and people have been so happy in association. Even as late as the Saturday prior to his passing he assured me he was stronger and would soon be back at Snowtown. Under the Providence of God, his life has been qualitative— measured by years, not quantitative. To know him was to believe in sheer goodness, and God. In the words of Principal Rainey, "If we wish to make faith in another life credible, we must fill this life with value." Will. Allanson did this. He commanded great motives, and lived them unostentatiously and fearlessly. Again it would seem:—
"The end of death is birth.
What comes after death? Life.
We are the dead. He is the living."
Rev. Allan Brown writes:—
Before leaving for overseas, I desire to pay some tribute to the life and friendship of Bill Allanson from the viewpoint of the Digger. A year ago Rev. Allanson was surrounded by his immediate pals who marched with him to the Cross of Sacrifice. Almost all of them braved the elements and were in the same vicinity this Anzac Day. The one whose absence was most noticeable lay in the Memorial Hospital nearby, awaiting the final call. Bill Allanson was one on his own, something different, and yet so splendid. As a combatant soldier he showed, outstanding courage, but with the tenderness of a child. No one hated war and its emphasis on wrong values more than he. I recall one incident which is illustrative of his fearlessness. "A thousand men were on parade in a public street. Something which would save the time of those concerned was ordered. To carry out that order gave offence to the finest susceptibilities. Everybody else, in the spirit of the war, was resigned to the inevitable, i.e., with the exception of Allanson and my brother. They registered their protest, and orders from other authorities were over-ruled. That was typical of his championship of that which he considered to be right. There was nothing artificial about Bill. He detested sham. That was why he was loved by those with whom he served. As one of these whom Bill had influenced for good shook my hand, tears were not out of place as he said, "Good ole Bill—a great chap." At this moment the sunlight played through the clouds above and, in our own thoughts, and the top of the Cross was touched with light. The next day Bill passed ON. The brief announcement in last week's "A.C.C." to those who knew him was a classical gem of truth. One half of that brief expression would more than satisfy most of us. But every phrase conveyed a little of the greater whole of the truth. Vale, Bill—in the hearts of your pals of student days and of your war comrades you have deserved the highest decoration at the hands of the Great Lover of All.
Submitted 12 August 2018 by Al Staunton
Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 8 November 1916, page 2
A farewell social was tendered the Res. W. Allanson on Thursday evening, October 26, at the Green's Plains West schoolroom, by the Christian Endeavor Society and adherents of the church, kindly assisted by friends from Boor's Plains. The gathering was held on the eve of Rev. Allanson's departure from the Kadina circuit, he having decided to enlist for active service. The Rev. M. Tresise presided over a large and enthusiasatic audience. The chairman, in his opening remarks, said that as a col-league be would greatly miss Bro Allan-son, but he admired him for his decision to enlist. He knew what a sacrifice the guest was making for his King and country in giving up his studies and work in the church, especially at this particular time in his probation. Mr A. Rodda spoke on behalf of the church, and said he believed he voiced the sentiments of the people of Green's Plains by saying they very much appreciated Rev. Allanson's work among them. His manly bearing had undoubtedly influenced others, and his earnestness appealed to them all. He hoped Mr AlIanson would be spared to return again to his work among them. Mr Daddow, in support, said he could echo what had already been said, and felt that the church could ill afford to lose men of the stamp of Bro. Allanson, whose labors among them had shown his earnestness and ability as a young man and a Christian minister. He also admired him for his willingness to serve his country, and hoped be would return again to his home and also to his work in the church, which for the time being he was laying down. Mr Edward Daddow, on behalf of the Endeavor Society, presented Mr Allanson with a wristlet watch, and said they all felt as a band of young people that he had done much for them, and that his ad-dresses as President would live with them. They wished him God speed and a safe return. Mr Ern. Lee, on behalf of the church, presented Mr Allanson with a fountain pen and pocket book. He had played football with Bro. Allanson, and believed his influence there had done a great deal of good. He had always found him a manly man, and much appreciated his services among them. With the other speakers, he wished Mr Allanson God speed and a speedy and safe return to his church. Messrs A. A. Rodda, T. Rodda, T. Stanway, L. Cowley, and Mrs A. Rodda also spoke words of appreciation and sincere wishes for his future well-being.
Mr Allanson, on rising to respond, was greeted with loud applause. He was beginning to realise what leaving the circuit meant. It was breaking away from the work which was dear to him, and he could honestly say that the work, although it was sometimes hard, meant the happiest eighteen months of his life among them and in the Kadina circuit. He had been considering the matter of enlisting for some time past, and would have done so before if someone could have been found to take his place in the circuit. Now the opportunity had come, he felt impelled to go and do his part in defence of his home and his country, especially when he re-membered the atrocities of our opponents. If he had thbe good fortune to return, and he believed he would, he no doubt would meet them again in similar work. He thanked them for their gifts and their many kindnesses to him while he had been among them. (Applause).
The ladies then, as usual, did their part, quickly handing round the cup that cheers—but not intoxicates—and gave to every one the opportunity of personally saying farewell to their friend and minister. Thus passed off one of the most successful socials at Green's Plains, and the heartiest wishes go with the departing minister.
An intertesting ceremony took place In the Paskeville Methodist Church on Sun-day evening last, October 29th, when opportunity was taken to bid an official farewell to the Pastor, Rev. W. W. G. Allanson, who had enlisted for active service. Mr L. L. Mander moved a vote of good wishes, and stated that the Rev. Allanson had labored with them for 18 months, and had carried out a very good work in connection with the Church. He had spared no pains to accomplish what he was given to do. He had gained the goodwill of the majority, and the speaker was sure that in enlisting Mr Allanson would be missed from amongst the Cir-cuit. However, the people realised that he must have felt the great call of duty to his country.
Mr L. E. Young, in seconding the vote, said that they very deeply appreciated the services of their friend and Pastor, the Rev. Allanson. By his residence with them be had laid the foundation to a new sphere of labor, and when they looked back over the time of his advent, and remembered the time when he used to 'push bike' round the Circuit, and also could see the vast amount of work he had done, they felt deeply grateful to him for the efforts he had displayed. They realised that another was going to stand between them and the enemy, and do his part to fight our country's battles, and if needs be lay down his life for kindred. They sincerely hoped not, but it was good to see the spirit displayed. The Rev. Allanson would receive as a token from the friends of Paskeville a travelling out&fit and he hoped that the guest would spend a very successful and profitable time abroad.
Rev Allanson, in reply, thanked the people for their good wishes. He was sorry that the time had arrived for the call of duty to separate from the people of the district. He had sapent a very happy and profitable time in the Circuit, but in enlisting he had considered it his duty to defend his country and stand between the "rightfulness" of the enemy and help to keep inviolate the purity of the Empire of which they were so justly proud. He was going into camp, but would be with them in the near future again, and would certainly see them once more before he sailed for the front.
Submitted 12 August 2018 by Al Staunton
Biography contributed by Al Staunton
Son of Walter Henry ALLANSON and Alice Ada nee SEYMAUR
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 5 May 1938, page 51
Rev. W. W. G. Allanson
The Rev. William Walter George Allanson, who died at the Memorial Hospital on Tuesday at the age of 47, was ordained to the Methodist ministry in 1915. During the Great War he served as a private with the A.I.F. Mr Allanson's ministerial stations included Pinnaroo, Port Augusta, Yacka, Unley, and Goodwood. At the time of his death he was stationed at Snowtown. His first wife predeceased him by 10 years. A widow and three children survive.