Service Number: 386
Enlisted: Not yet discovered
Last Rank: Corporal
Last Unit: 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen
Born: Redfern, New South Wales, Australia, 1866
Home Town: Inverell, Inverell, New South Wales
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Blacksmith, Drover, Farmer, Builder
Died: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 27 May 1950, cause of death not yet discovered
Cemetery: Newcastle Memorial Park (fmly Beresfield Crematorium)
Cremated- ashes scattered in general plot.
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Boer War Service

1 Oct 1899: Involvement Private, 386, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen
6 Mar 1901: Embarked Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Private, 386, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, AWM Boer War Unit Details, Murray p. 488 notes 5th QIB embarked at Pinkenba 6 Mar 1901 aboard Templemore arriving Port Elizabeth 1 Apr 1901.
20 Apr 1901: Promoted Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Corporal, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, AWM Boer War Nominal Roll, Murray p. 501, notes appointed Acting-Corporal 20 Apr 1901.
5 May 1902: Discharged Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Corporal, 386, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, AWM Boer War Unit Details, Murray p. 491 notes 5th QIB embarked at Cape Town 27 Mar 1902 aboard St Andrew returning to Australia arriving Brisbane 30 Apr 1902, disbanded 5 May 1902.

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Biography contributed by Claude McKelvey

He had previously served in the Sudan 1885 conflict, Private S.N. 103, New South Wales Contingent.

When Arthur Tytherleigh enlisted in 1901 for the Boer war in the 5th QIB and his details were published with the rank and file in The Queenslander, 16 Mar 1901, he noted his N.O.K. as Mrs. J. Croft, Inverell, NSW. In the original nominal roll for the 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen Contingent, held by National Archives, no relationship was recorded with his N.O.K.

Arthur Tytherleigh was born in 1866 in the Redfern district of Sydney, NSW, a son to Francis Tytherleigh and Mary A. Tytherleigh. He was twice married. He first married Catherine Croft in 1896 at Inverell and they had 1 child there before Catherine passed in 1898. Catherine's parents were Joseph and Ann Croft of Inverell. This suggests Arthur's parents had passed and he provided his mother-in-law as his N.O.K. when he enlisted in 1901, who probably was also caring for his young child. He married again in 1909 to Alice J. Slade at Kyogle.

When he passed near Newcastle, NSW, in 1950 an extensive obituary was published in several newspapers with the following information extracted from it. He was a former resident in the Urbenville and Woodenbong districts having gone to the Northern Rivers region around 1900. He was in Kyogle and Wiangaree before settling at Woodenbong in 1908. Initially he plied the blacksmith trade but turned his hands to other pursuits including fencing, droving, farming and as a builder. 

He was active in community organisations and was an office bearing member of the Woodenbong Progress Association through which he was instrumental in the installation of a telephone service between Woodenbong and Kyogle. He was for many years a director of the Tooloom and Woodenbong Butter Factory at Urbenville while also engaged in dairy farming at Boomi Creek. For his last 20 years of residency in the district he conducted the mail service between Woodenbong and Boomi Creek.

(source- AWM Boer War Nominal Roll, Murray p. 501; National Archives Australia- B 5172 Nominal Roll of 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen Contingent Queensland Defence Force for service in South Africa, p. 6; Obituary- The Warwick Daily News, 3 Jun 1950, p. 4).