Charles Claude TEASDALE

TEASDALE, Charles Claude

Service Number: 3955
Enlisted: 12 July 1915, Bendigo, Vic.
Last Rank: Lieutenant
Last Unit: 5th Infantry Battalion
Born: Surrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia, 1896
Home Town: Golden Square, Greater Bendigo, Victoria
Schooling: Golden Square State School, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Occupation: Student
Died: Killed In Action, Belgium, 3 October 1917
Cemetery: No known grave - "Known Unto God"
The Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (Panel 7), Belgium
Memorials: Bendigo Great War Roll of Honor, Golden Square District
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World War 1 Service

12 Jul 1915: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 3955, 6th Infantry Battalion, Bendigo, Vic.
23 Nov 1915: Embarked AIF WW1, Private, 3955, 6th Infantry Battalion, Melbourne, Vic. on HMAT A40 Ceramic
23 Jul 1916: Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 3955, 6th Infantry Battalion, Battle for Pozières
11 Aug 1916: Promoted AIF WW1, Lance Corporal, 6th Infantry Battalion, France
14 Aug 1916: Involvement AIF WW1, Lance Corporal, 3955, 6th Infantry Battalion, Mouquet Farm
25 Jan 1917: Promoted AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 6th Infantry Battalion, England
22 Feb 1917: Transferred AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion, France
15 Apr 1917: Involvement AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion, The Outpost Villages - German Withdrawal to Hindenburg Line, Lagnicourt
11 Jul 1917: Promoted AIF WW1, Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion, Belgium
20 Sep 1917: Involvement AIF WW1, Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion, Menin Road
3 Oct 1917: Involvement AIF WW1, Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion, Broodseinde Ridge
Date unknown: Involvement AIF WW1, Lieutenant, 5th Infantry Battalion

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Biography contributed by Robert Wight

Charles Claude Teasdale enlisted as a Private (aged 18 yrs and 11 months) in July 1915 and served on the Somme in 1916.

He was sent to England for officer training and was duly promoted to 2nd Lt in England, and then Lt during Third Ypres.

He was killed in action 3 October 1917 on the eve of the attack on Broodeinde Ridge, aged just 20 yrs and 9 months.

Biography contributed by Faithe Jones

Son of Charles and Mary Moyle Teasdale, of Elwood St., Golden Square, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Native of Sydney, New South Wales.