About This Unit

The 51st Battalion was raised in Egypt in 1916 as part of the process that was known as "doubling the AIF" to create the 4th and 5th Divisions. Following the evacuation from ANZAC and with recruits arriving from Australia in large numbers, it was decided to split the 1st Divison (1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigades) and the 4th Brigade in two to create sixteen new or so-called "Pup" Battalions. The 3rd Brigade was split to create the 13th Brigade and together with the 4th and 12th Brigades comprised the new 4th Division.
The 51st Battalion was created from the 11th Battalion, with the same colours in its 'patch' as its parent but of the circle shape to signify a 4th Division unit (although to confuse things somewhat, the 4th Brigade had retained its rectangular colour patch). By seeding the Battalions with a core of experienced Officers, NCO and soldiers from the parent Battalions and reinforcing them with newly arrived recruits from Australia, the "doubling of the AIF" was achieved, although not without some angst when the original battalions were split and comrades went their separate ways.
Battle / Campaign / Involvement
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