RAAF Initial Training School

About This Unit

RAAF Initial Training School

When the Empire Air Training Schools were established from shortly after the outbreak of WW2, there was a requirement for the equivalent ofthe Army's Recruit Training ' units.  Induction Training, to standardise basic skills, inculcate culture and values and to begin the process of screening and selection for the eventual employment of the huge number of trainees flooding into the RAAF.

Initial Training Schools were established in each State.  Generally Recruits would be sent to the ITS in the State of enlistment but not always.  Availability and synchronisation of subsequent Aircrew and Ground Training courses could bear on the new recruit's destimation 

The course ran 14 weeks for prospective pilots, 12 weeks for air observers, and 8 weeks for air gunners.  Candidates were constantly screened and streamed by ground school theory training  and testing, and would be sent on to the next stage of their training depending on 'mustering' for their future role.

No. 1 Initial Training School, Somers, Victoria.

No. 2 Initial Training School, Bradfield Park, New South Wales.

No. 3 Initial Training School, Sandgate, Queensland

No. 4 Initial Training School, Mount Breckan, Victor Harbor, South Australia

No. 5 Initial Training School, Pearce, Western Australia.

No. 6 Initial Training School, Bradfield Park, New South Wales