About This Unit

Formed at Wayville on 25 October 1940
Trained at Woodside 28 October 1940 - 23 April 1941
Stationed at Alice Springs 24 April 1941 - 23 September 1941
Overseas: Singapore, Malaya 2 November 1941 - 30 November 1945
Active Service: Malaya, Singapore 8 December 1941 - 15 February 1942
The unit served in Singapore Malaya during the disastrous attempt to defend the peninsula from the Japanese landings which ultimately cleared the Malay Peninsula and captured Singpore, completely unhinging the Allied defensive posture in SE Asia.
The 8th Division Ammunition Sub Park personnel were part of the surrender to the Japanese that took place on 15 Febriary 1942, and began a harrowing three and a half years as prisoners of hte Japanese.
Men of the 8th Division Ammunition sub Park were drafted on forced labour tasks in Borneo Siam Burma Japan as Prisoners of War 15 February 1942 - 15 August 1945
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