Clarence George MARQUIS

MARQUIS, Clarence George

Service Number: 6294
Enlisted: 10 April 1916, Blackboy Hill, Western Australia
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1)
Born: Adelaide, South Australia, 20 September 1896
Home Town: Mount Helena, Mundaring, Western Australia
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Mill hand
Died: Killed in Action, Belgium, 30 June 1917, aged 20 years
Cemetery: Strand Military Cemetery, Ploegsteert, Wallonie, Belgium
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Kings Park Western Australia State War Memorial, Mount Helena Lion Mill Honour Roll, Mundaring War Memorial, West Leederville War Memorial
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World War 1 Service

10 Apr 1916: Enlisted AIF WW1, Blackboy Hill, Western Australia
13 Oct 1916: Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 6294, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '12' embarkation_place: Fremantle embarkation_ship: HMAT Suffolk embarkation_ship_number: A23 public_note: ''
13 Oct 1916: Embarked AIF WW1, Private, 6294, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), HMAT Suffolk, Fremantle

Help us honour Clarence George Marquis's service by contributing information, stories, and images so that they can be preserved for future generations.


"MARQUIS. — Killed in action June 30, 1917, somewhere in France, Private Clarence Gecorge Marquis, 16th Battalion, dearly beloved son of George and Edith Marquis, of Lion Mill, aged 20 years and 9 months, brother of Wilfred, Marjorie, Florrie and Norman.

A mother's heart is aching, For the son she loved so well,

Though crushed with grief, we'll try, To say, oh, God, Thy will be done." - from the Perth Western Mail 01 Aug 1917 (

"MARQUIS.- On June 30, 1917, killed in action,somewhere in France, Private Clarence George Marquis, fond nephew of Alex and May Marquis, 176 Palmereton-street, Perth. His duty nobly done.

MARQUIS.- On June 30, 1917, killed in action somewhere in France, Private Clarence George, eldest son of George and Edith Mar- quis, Lions Mill. In his 20th year. -Inserted by his sorrowing family and auntie Florrie.

MARQUIS.- Killed in action, June 30, 1917, somewhere in France. Private Clarence George Marquis, 16th Battalion, dearly be- loved son of George and Edith Marquis, of Lion Mill, aged 20 years and 9 months, brother of Wilfred, Marjorie, Florrie, and Norman." - from the Perth Western Mail 03 Aug 1917 (


"Our Lion Mill correspondent writes: Mr. and Mrs. Marquis have received word that their eldest son, Pte. Clar- ence Marquis, of the 16th Battalion, was killed in action on June 30th. Clarry was a general favorite here, having grown up amongst us. His loss is keenly felt, and much sympathy is Fix this text
extended to his sorrowing parents and family." - from the Midland Junction Camp Chronicle 16 Aug 1917 (