James Edward (Jimmy) RICHARDSON

RICHARDSON, James Edward

Service Number: 6784
Enlisted: 11 May 1917, Perth, WA
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1)
Born: Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 1899
Home Town: South Perth, South Perth, Western Australia
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Hospital orderly
Died: Killed in Action, France, 22 August 1918
Cemetery: Heath Cemetery, Picardie, France
Plot VII, Row A, Grave No. 15
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Geraldton Our Lady of Sorrows Great War Honour Boards, Kings Park Western Australia State War Memorial, Mundijong Honour Roll, South Perth War Memorial
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World War 1 Service

11 May 1917: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 6784, 28th Infantry Battalion, Perth, WA
22 Aug 1918: Involvement Private, 6784, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), --- :awm_ww1_roll_of_honour_import: awm_service_number: 6784 awm_unit: 16 Battalion awm_rank: Private awm_died_date: 1918-08-22

Help us honour James Edward Richardson's service by contributing information, stories, and images so that they can be preserved for future generations.

Biography contributed by Faithe Jones

Son of James and Ellen RICHARDSON, Zoo Gardens, South Perth, Western Australia


It is with very sincere regret that "Glencoe" has to record the death of Private James Edward Richardson, ex-Patrol Leader of the No. 13 Scout Troop (South Perth), killed in action in France on August 22.  "Jimmy" as he was popularly known in Troop 13, was only 19 years of age.  He was much beloved by the boys, and the work he did in connection with the Troop was always done cheerfuly and willingly, and had a very great deal to do with its general efficiency.  He was a true Scout himslef, his kidly disposition endeared him to all, and he was ever ready to pass on to others the knowledge he had himself gained.  The Scout Council and W.A. Scots generally tender their sympathy to the bereaved parents and realtives, and to Scoutmaster Mrs. Preshaw and the deaceased's brother Scouts of Troop 13.  A memorial service will be hled at St. Mary's Church, South Perth, tomorrow (Sunday), morning at 11 o'clock.  Members of other Troops desiring to be present should cross by the 10.30 boat.