William Thomas Kerval WALLIS

WALLIS, William Thomas Kerval

Service Number: 1531
Enlisted: 19 November 1914, Enlisted at Blackboy Hill, WA
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1)
Born: Southampton, Hants, England, United Kingdom, 1890
Home Town: Perth, Western Australia
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Electrical engineer
Died: Died of injuries - accidental, Ismailia, Egypt, 15 January 1916
Cemetery: Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
Row A, Grave 100 Headstone inscription reads: To memory ever dear duty will done Chaplain Rev. F.W. Ingamells officiated, Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery, Ismailia, Suez Canal, Egypt
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour
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World War 1 Service

19 Nov 1914: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 1531, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), Enlisted at Blackboy Hill, WA
22 Feb 1915: Involvement Private, 1531, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '12' embarkation_place: Fremantle embarkation_ship: HMAT Itonus embarkation_ship_number: A50 public_note: ''
22 Feb 1915: Embarked Private, 1531, 16th Infantry Battalion (WW1), HMAT Itonus, Fremantle

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Biography contributed by Carol Foster

Son of William Henry and Mary Jane Wallis of 87 Waterhouse :Lane, Shirley, Southampton, England. Next of kin given as Mrs. Beatrice Holloway, Millbrook, Southampton, England

Accidently killed by a machine gun bullet  penetrating the abdomen while attending instruction 

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal