Hugh Ferguson senior - obituary Wednesday 18/12/1914 - Wangaratta Chronicle
Wangaratta Chronicle, Vic. - Wednesday, 18 December 1914.
The death occurred on Sunday morning at his home, "Graceville," Bobinawarrah, of Mr. Hugh Ferguson. For three years past Mr. Ferguson had been in failing health and death was due to anaemia, He had had the attention of several doctors, and also the benefit of the services of a trained nurse, in addition he was attentively cared for by Mrs Ferguson. The late Mr. Ferguson was 60 years of age and the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs John Ferguson of Milawa, who were amongst the earliest and most highly respected settlers in that district. He was born at Collingwood and with his parents went to Stanley where they lived for a few years, and fifty years ago removed to Bobinawarrah where Mr. Ferguson, Senr. took up land, naming the homestead "Graceville". There the family was reared and in later years Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson removed to Milawa, and the subject of this obituary having married Miss Janet Kerr of Milawa, took over the homestead, and resided at "Graceville" till the time of his death. Mr. Hugh Ferguson was of a quiet and unassuming disposition and by his pleasant and genial ways won the esteem and respect of everyone who came in contact with him; and so his death has been heard of with regret by his large circle of acquaintances. He was a splendid neighbour and useful resident to the district. He was a worthy member of the fine Ferguson family and much sympathy is felt
for Mrs Ferguson and the children in their bereavement. Mr. Ferguson carried on farming, grazing and dairying with success, a result due to his careful application of the sound grounding he received In his younger days from his father who was a fine stamp of the early pioneer. He was a lover of horses and bred many good and valuable animals. He was.a keen admirer of trotting horses and bred several which he sold at high prices and which afterwards won in good company in this district and other parts of the State. Amongst those he kept was Honest Lass, which has performed well. Mr. Ferguson took apart in district movements and always helped with his services and money any thing that was calculated to benefit the district. He was a director of' the successful Milawa Co-operative Butter Factory for many years and was a member of the Board of Management of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Milawa for twenty years, retiring from both those bodies recently on account of his health.
Besides Mrs Ferguson a family of six sons and two daughters survive, namely:-Jack, Norman, Hugh Valentine, Thomas Louder, George and Andrew Kerr and Misses Margaret and Grace Joan, all of whom reside at Bobinawarrah. The brothers and sisters of deceased are - Messrs Geo. W. and James Ferguson, Milawa; Mr. Douglas Ferguson, Bobinawarrah; Mrs J. G. Gardner, Milawa; Mrs. J. Henley, South Yarra; Mrs. W. Gray, Brunswick.
The funeral took place on Monday afternoon when the,remains were interred in the Milawa cemetery. The cortege, which consisted of sixty vehicles and a number of horsemen, was a very representative one. The burial service was read by the Rev. Mr. Jones and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. G. V. Steele. The coffin bearers were four sons of deceased, viz., Messrs J. N., H. V., and T. L. Ferguson."
Submitted 6 May 2015
by Julianne Ryan