BROWNELL, Lauriston
Service Number: | Commissioned Officer |
Enlisted: | 3 September 1915, Claremont, Tasmania |
Last Rank: | Lieutenant |
Last Unit: | 27th Infantry Battalion |
Born: | Claremont, Tasmania, 26 December 1892 |
Home Town: | Claremont, Glenorchy, Tasmania |
Schooling: | The Friends' School; Leslie House School; Scotch College Melbourne and Dookie Agricultural College |
Occupation: | Grazier |
Died: | Died of Wounds, 10 Casualty Clearing Station, Passchendaele, Belgium, 3 October 1917, aged 24 years |
Cemetery: |
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery Plot 20, Row D, Grave 8. Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperingthe, Belgium. His name is located at panel 109 in the Commemorative Area at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, ACT. |
Memorials: | Hobart Roll of Honour, North Hobart Friends' School Honour Roll, Richmond War Memorial |
World War 1 Service
3 Sep 1915: | Enlisted AIF WW1, Claremont, Tasmania | |
8 Aug 1916: |
AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 12th Infantry Battalion, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '10' embarkation_place: Hobart embarkation_ship: HMAT Ballarat embarkation_ship_number: A70 public_note: '' |
18 Nov 1916: | Involvement AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 27th Infantry Battalion, Enlistment/Embarkation WW1 | |
22 Jan 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Second Lieutenant, 27th Infantry Battalion, The Outpost Villages - German Withdrawal to Hindenburg Line | |
24 Feb 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Lieutenant, 27th Infantry Battalion, The Outpost Villages - German Withdrawal to Hindenburg Line | |
3 Oct 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Lieutenant, Commissioned Officer, 27th Infantry Battalion, Broodseinde Ridge |
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Described on enlisting as 22 years 8months old; single; 5’ 10” tall; 11 stone; ruddy complexion;
brown eyes; black hair; Methodist, brown birthmark on back of right arm.
Father William Percival Brownell, Liverpool Street, Hobart and
Mother Julieann James (nee Scott) of Claremont, Tasmania.
Schooling: The Friends’ School (1 year high school);
Leslie House School (11 years)
Scotch College Melbourne (1 year)
Dookie Agricultural College (3 years) – Diploma Agriculture, VIC.
Next of kin in service:
Older brother Major Herbert Percival Brownell
Served in the Australian Army Medical Corps in Gallipoli and the Western Front, France
Awarded the DSO and an MID.
Younger brother Raymond James Brownell
Served initially with the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade
Awarded the Military Medal
Then joined the Royal Flying Corp in March 1917
Awarded the Military Cross
- After the war joined the RAAF
rising to the rank of Air Commodore during the Second World War
Awarded "Commander of the British Empire".
Previous service: 1 year Volunteer Cadets, Scotch College Corps, VIC 1910
Quarter Master Sergeant ‘B’ Company, 1st Depot Battalion
3/9/1915 Enlisted at Claremont, Tasmania
into the 19th reinforcement / 12th Battalion
8/8/1916 Embarked from Ocean Pier, Hobart on HMAT A70 Ballarat
as a 2nd Lieutenant with the 19th reinforcement / 12th Battalion
30/9/1916 Disembarked into Plymouth, England
1/10/1916 Marched in from Australian Reinforcements, Perham Downs, England
18/11/1916 Transferred to the 27th Battalion
The 27th Battalion entered the front-line trenches for the first time on 7 April 1916 and took part in its first major battle at Pozières between 28 July and 5 August. After a spell in a quieter sector of the front in Belgium, the 2nd Division returned to the south in October. The 27th Battalion took part in two attacks to the east of Flers in the Somme Valley, both of which floundered in the mud.
2/12/1916 Qualified as Instructor at the Southern Command Bombing School, Lyndhurst
22/1/1917 Proceeded overseas to France ex Headquarters AIF Depots in UK
23/1/1917 Admitted to hospital – sick, Etaples, France
4/2/1917 Marched out to unit
5/2/1917 Taken on strength from 20 reinf / 12th Battalion to 27th Battalion, France
Although the 27th Battlioin participated in minor attacks during the German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line in early 1917, it did not carry out a major attack again until 20 September 1917.
24/2/1917 Promoted to Lieutenant
15/4/1917 Admitted to hospital – sick – Influenza and fever, 5th Australian Field Hospital
6/5/1917 Rejoined unit from hospital
12/5/1917 Detached for duty at 2nd Division Headquarters
May-June 1917 Lieutenant Brownell served as an Aid-de-Camp to the General Officer Commanding
of the 3rd Australian Division, before rejoining his unit in the field.
1/7/1917 Rejoined 27th Battalion
14/7/1917 To England on leave
24/7/1917 Rejoined 27th Battalion – ceased to be seconded as Aid-de-Camp
26/8/1917 To School of Instruction
On the 20 September 1917 the 27th Battalion was part of the 2nd Division’s first wave at the battle of Menin Road. Victory here was followed up with the capture of Broodseinde Ridge on 4 October, in which the 27th Battalion also played a role.
3/10/1917 7.30am sitting in a trench at Zonnebeke, preparing to go over the trenches
when a shell was thrown into the trench.
Lieutenant Brownell was with Lieutenant Higgs and Major Fredericks, when they were
all hit by a shell and wounded.
3/10/1917 Single wound to abdomen
Taken to 3rd Australian Field Ambulance
Admitted and transferred to No.10 Casualty Clearing Station
Australian Red Cross Society Wounded & Missing – re Lt Brownell
Corporal L G Lambert - Etaples, France 13/2/1918
“He was a C.Coy Officer and I was with him about October 3rd when he was knocked out on the morning we went over at Zonnebeke. Time, about 8am. He was in a shell hole with Lt. Higgs (wounded) and Major Fredericks (wounded). Mr Brownell and Lt Higgs were hit by same shell. A piece went right into his abdomen. I helped to put him on a stretcher. They were both taken to the Aid Post. I do not know where Mr Brownell died.
He seemed quite cheerful and was speaking to the Major after he was hit.”
Private Sellick WHS 3944 - London, 13/3/1918
“I saw him killed at Ypres. He was caught by a shall and was very badly knocked about. He lived about a half hour after being hit. I knew him very well, he came from South Australia, and he was a very popular Officer, and very well liked by all the men. I do not know place of burial, but the ground was held, and he was sure to have been buried.”
Lieutenant V A Riggs - France, 14/3/1918
Re the late Lieutenant L Brownell, about 7.30am on October 3rd 1917 we were sitting in a trench near Zonnebeke, when a shell landed close by, wounding both of us, I was carried away and Lieutenant L Brownell was being attended to by the Stretcher Bearers, who I believe assisted Major Devonshire.
3/10/1917 Died later in the day of wounds sustained in action
at No. 10 Casualty Clearing Station in Passchendaele, Belgium
4/10/1917 Buried by Captain Reverend Clark, Officiating Chaplain, at
Plot 20, Row D, Grave 8
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery
1 ¾ miles south-west of Poperingthe, Belgium
Lijssenthoek, West-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium
Commemorated in Cornelian Bay Cemetery, Hobart, Tasmania.
WWI Star 1914-15; British War medal (44571); Victory medal (44068)
Memorial Plaque and Memorial Scroll (357233)
Like most AIF battalions, the 27th fought to turn back the German spring offensive in April 1918, and later in the year participated in a string of offensive battles as Germany was pushed ever closer to defeat. It attacked around Morlancourt on the night of 10 June; acted in a supporting role during the battle of Hamel on 4 July; and was in the first wave at the battle of Amiens on 8 August 1918. On 8 August, the battalion captured 9 artillery pieces, 25 machine guns and over 200 prisoners.
The Battalion’s last actions of the war were fought as part of the effort to break through the Beaurevoir Line in the first week of October 1918, but it was not disbanded until 4 June 1919.
Sourced and submitted by Julianne T Ryan. 18 September 2014. Lest we forget.