Allan John Joseph WING

WING, Allan John Joseph

Service Number: 2408
Enlisted: 2 October 1916, Claremont, Tas.
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 40th Infantry Battalion
Born: Gunn's Plains, Tasmania, 1894
Home Town: Levendale, Southern Midlands, Tasmania
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Labourer
Died: Killed in Action, Belgium, 13 October 1917
Cemetery: No known grave - "Known Unto God"
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Gunns Plains District Roll of Honour WW1, Gunns Plains Memorial Seat, Gunns Plains Roll of Honor WW1, Menin Gate Memorial (Commonwealth Memorial to the Missing of the Ypres Salient), Ulverstone Shrine of Remembrance
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Biography contributed by Faithe Jones

Son of Ebenezer J. and Lillian M. WING; Husband of Edna G. WING

Private Allan John Wing, whose death was announced, is a son of Mr E. Wing, Gunn's Plains; was married, and leaves a widow and one child.