Robert Eric (Bob) DAVEY

DAVEY, Robert Eric

Service Number: 437403
Enlisted: 30 January 1943
Last Rank: Flight Sergeant
Last Unit: No. 460 Squadron (RAAF)
Born: Salisbury, South Australia , 4 January 1925
Home Town: Salisbury, Salisbury, South Australia
Schooling: Prince Alfred College, Adelaide, South Australia
Occupation: Apprentice Dental Mechanic
Died: Flying Battle, United Kingdom, 4 March 1945, aged 20 years
Cemetery: Cambridge City Cemetery, United Kingdom
Grave 15715 Roll of Honour - Salisbury South Australia ,
Memorials: Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance, Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, International Bomber Command Centre Memorial
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World War 2 Service

30 Jan 1943: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Aircraftman 2 (WW2), No. 4 Initial Training School Victor Harbor
30 Jan 1943: Involvement Flight Sergeant, 437403
30 Jan 1943: Enlisted Adelaide, SA
30 Jan 1943: Enlisted Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant, 437403
27 Mar 1943: Promoted Royal Australian Air Force, Leading Aircraftman
1 Apr 1943: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Leading Aircraftman, No. 1 Wireless Air Gunnery School Ballarat
10 Oct 1943: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Leading Aircraftman, No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School West Sale
11 Nov 1943: Promoted Royal Australian Air Force, Sergeant
24 Nov 1943: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Sergeant, 2 Embarkation Depot
26 Nov 1943: Embarked Royal Australian Air Force, Sergeant, 437403, Embarked for U.K. from Sydney.
10 Jan 1944: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Sergeant, 11 Personnel Depot and Receiving Centre
12 Apr 1944: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Sergeant, Royal Air Force - unspecified units, Bomber Command Training Units.
11 May 1944: Promoted Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant
24 Feb 1945: Involvement Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant, 437403, No. 460 Squadron (RAAF), Air War NW Europe 1939-45
24 Feb 1945: Transferred Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant, No. 460 Squadron (RAAF)
4 Mar 1945: Discharged Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant, 437403, No. 460 Squadron (RAAF), K.I.A.
Date unknown: Involvement Royal Australian Air Force, Flight Sergeant, 437403, No. 460 Squadron (RAAF), Air War NW Europe 1939-45
Date unknown: Involvement

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Biography contributed by Maurice Kissane

Robert Eric Davey was born in Salisbury in South Australia in 1925. The son of Robert and Beatrice Davey. Hence he was named after his father.

Bob as he would have been called, attended Black Forest Primary School. He then progressed to Prince Albert College in Adelaide.

He aspired to be a Dentist at some point but found that the academics were a bit steep. Hence he decided to accept an apprenticeship as a Dental Mechanic.

He likely aspired to establish his own specialist business in the longer term.

However, he put his commercial ambition on hold to render overseas service. RAAF was his first choice. 

He volunteered for RAAF Aircrew in 1942. However was not accepted for Aircrew recruit enlistment until early 1943.

Following RAAF Aircrew appitude sorting, he was found to lack sufficient appitude to proceed with RAAF Pilot Training.

Hence he was streamed for RAF Bomber Command as a specialist. He would serve in the Wireless Operator and Air Gunner roles.  

He did his initial training Australia before being sent to the U.K. for advanced training. He served in various RAF Heavy Bomber training units before being posted to No. 460 Sqn RAAF.  

The end of the war was in sight when he departed for what was his first operational training mission in that famous RAAF Squadron. The outwart leg was uneventful and before long he returning to his RAF home base.  

RAAF Avro Lancaster NG502 AR-J was close to its RAF Binbrook home base when it was ambushed by a Ju-88G Night Figher. The intruder that had been lurking near their Lincolnshire RAF base.

The German Night Fighters had changed tactics due to Allied Air Supremacy. The Luffwaffe High Command called their new missions to ambush returning RAF Bombers near their U.K. bases, "Operation Geisela".

Bob was one of two RAAF Lancaster NG502 AR-J Aircrew KIA. He was the Wireless Operator. Hence his duties required him to transmit position before bailing out.

It was 01:30 hours on Sunday, 4th March 1945 when the Ju-88G intuder attacked NG502. The German pilot was flying back at tree top level, when 15 minutes later he struck power lines and crashed. 

The four man Ju-88G who were killed were interred in the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Scampton with appropriate military honours as is HM Forces custom. 

The RAAF Lancaster NG502 Airmen killed, including 437403 FSGT Davies, R.E. were interred with full military honours in Commonweath War Cemetery graves in the Cambridge City Cemetery.

Reference links provided.