HUMPHRYS, Reginald Barton
Service Number: | SX7704 |
Enlisted: | 3 July 1940, Adelaide, South Australia |
Last Rank: | Private |
Last Unit: | 2nd/48th Infantry Battalion |
Born: | Mannum, South Australia, 6 March 1923 |
Home Town: | Mannum, Mid Murray, South Australia |
Schooling: | Cross Roads Public School |
Occupation: | Farm worker |
Died: | Killed in Action, Libya, 3 August 1941, aged 18 years |
Cemetery: |
Tobruk War Cemetery, Tobruk, Libya |
Memorials: | Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance, Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Mannum Cross Roads WW2 Roll of Honour, Municipality of St Peters Citizens Who Have Enlisted Roll of Honour, St Peters Heroes War Memorial |
World War 2 Service
3 Jul 1940: | Enlisted Private, SX7704, Adelaide, South Australia | |
3 Jul 1940: | Enlisted Australian Military Forces (WW2) , Private, SX7704, 2nd/48th Infantry Battalion | |
4 Jul 1940: | Involvement Private, SX7704 | |
3 Aug 1941: | Involvement Private, SX7704, 2nd/48th Infantry Battalion, Siege of Tobruk | |
Date unknown: | Involvement |
‘Loving memories of our son Reg. Always remembered.’
Reginald Barton Humphrys SX7704
Reg came from a large family of seven children including three brothers, Ernest William Ronald, Don Clarence and Allen Douglas and three sisters, Lillian Maud, Eunice Elizabeth and Viola Daphne. His parents were William Barton and Bessie Humphrys (nee Whitehead) who lived in Mannum for most of their working lives. Reg was born on the 6th March, 1923. He and his siblings attended Cross Roads via Mannum Public School and typical of country communities, were actively involved in sport, Reg as a useful player in both Football and Cricket.
Three of the sons were to enlist to serve during WWII; Ernest as a Private 122158 and mess steward with the RAAF enlisting 20th January 1943 and Allen in the navy as PA3887, enlisting on the 27th April 1943.
Post school Reg worked for the Frans family as a farm hand, with the outbreak of WWII having just turned 17, (but recorded as 20 years old) enlisted on July 3rd 1940, a few days after 27-year-old George Richardson SX7052. They were both to be allocated to the newly formed 2/48th Battalion, and, despite their ten-year difference in ages, their lives were to be inextricably linked. Reg was allocated the number SX7704. Their initial days were spent in the cold of the Pavilions, now part of the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds, before the new enlistees headed to Woodside for their preliminary training. The large contingent embarked on the Stratheden for the Middle East, on the 7th November 1940, arriving on the 19th December 1940.
Their 2/48th Battalion completed a few months training in Cyrenaica before going to Tobruk at the start of April 1941 where the dust, flies, heat, minimal water supplies and constant bombardment were quite a challenge to these fresh new enlistees. They were to become the famed Rats of Tobruk.
Fighting in the Salient alongside the 2/43rd, the troops came up against strong and accurate machine gun fire and were forced to withdraw. In his book, Tobruk to Tarakan, John Glenn describes that “At this time C and D Companies were tensely waiting for the success signal and the order to move forward. Anxious eyes peered towards the posts as shells burst right around the front. The 2/48th had suffered casualties as they waited; Lance Corporal G Richardson and Private R.B. Humphrys had been killed and Private John L Duffield (Riverland) and Private L.O. Samuel had been wounded.”
Reg was just 18 years old (although his Army record state that he was 21.) Eight soldiers from the South Australian 2/43rd and three from the 2/10th were also killed that day. A tragic day for their fellow soldiers and families back home. George was 28. The Chronicle reported their deaths on the 21st August. The News carried a brief tribute to Reg ‘The parents of Pte. R. B. Humphrys, formerly of Frederick Street Maylands have been advised that he was killed in action on August 3. Pte. Humphrys whose two brothers are abroad with the same unit, enlisted in July 1940 and sailed in November. He was born at Mannum and educated at Cross Roads School. He was employed by Mr. A. Frahn of Mannum before he joined up.’
Reg was initially buried in the field but later he and George Richardson were interred in the Tobruk War Cemetery, Reg in Grave 4.P.9 and George alongside in grave 4.P.10. Reg’s inscription now reads ‘Loving memories of our son Reg. Always remembered.’ and George’s ‘At the going down of the sun and in the morning we remember.’
William, Reg’s father, lived to see peace declared and many other soldiers return home, but not his son. He died at home on the 28th January 1946 aged 61. His remains were interred at West Terrace cemetery. Bessie, who died in November, 1965 rests with him.
Each year on the anniversary of his death, family and friends continued to remember Reg.
Advertiser Monday 3 August 1942, HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother Reg., late of 2nd A.I.F. What would I give his hand to clasp. His dear sweet face to see. To hear again his loving voice That meant so much to us. —Inserted by his loving brother Ern, Elsie, and children HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of brother Reg, who was killed on active service at Tobruk on August 3, 1941. He was always whistling and singing. So happy and full of fun, we miss him: yes, how we miss him Our bright and happy one. Gone from us his smiling face. Those loving, cheerful ways. The heart that won so many friends in the happy bygone days. Now he sleeps, not in his native land. But under foreign skies. Far away from those who love him. In a hero's grave he lies —So sadly missed by Peg, Lou, Pat, and Terry. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear son, Reg, killed in action at Tobruk on August 3, 1941. He was always yodelling and singing and so happy and full of fun: Oh! God. why was he taken. Our bright and happy son? When alone in sorrow the sad tears flow There stealeth a dream of days long ago; Unknown to the world he stands by our side. And whispers be brave, dear ones. Just for a little while. —Ever remembered by his loving mother and father. HUMPRYS—In loving memory of Reg. killed in action at Tobruk August 3, Beneath the Cross ot Sacrifice. Within a silent grave. We laid him down to rest Among the honored brave. —Ever remembered by his brothers, Don and Eric (A.I.F., abroad). and pal Johne, (A.I.F, abroad). HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother, Reg. who was killed in action at Tobruk on August 3, 1941 One sad year of thinking Of a loving brother whom we lost; Only God in heaven knows What that parting cost. At the heavenly gate he'll meet us. With his same sweet loving smile, For We are only parted, brother dear. Just for a little while. —Ever remembered by his brother and sister, Allan and Daphne. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of dear Reg, who was killed in action at Tobruk on August 3, 1941. Time changes many things. But one thing changes never. It's the happy memories of those good old days. When we were all together. —Sadly, missed by his loving sister. Eunice, brother-in-law, Norm, and nephews, Brian and Mervyn.
Advertiser Tuesday 3 August 1943, HUMPHRYS, Reg.—In remembrance of loving son and brother, killed in action. Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still. — Remembered by his mother, father and Daphne. HUMPHRYS, Reg.—In loving memory of our dear brother. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember him. —Inserted by his brothers, Ern (R.A.A.F.), Eric and Don (A.I.F.), Allan (R.A.N.). HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of dear Reg, killed at Tobruk, August 3, 1941. Deeply a memory to kept of one we loved and will never forget. —Sadly missed by loving brother Ern (R.A.A.F.), Elsie and children. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear friend Reg, killed in action August 3, 1941. In our homes you are fondly remembered. —Inserted by Mrs. Banks, Grace and Ern. HUMPHRYS. —Memory of brother Reg, killed Tobruk, August 3, 1941. He wore no shining medals, could not sign his name V.C.; he died a dinkum Aussie, to keep Australia free. —Peg, Laur, Pat and Terry.
Advertiser Thursday 3 August 1944, HUMPRYS. —In loving memory of brother Reg, gave his life at Tobruk, August 3, 1941. Beautiful memories, dearer than gold, of a brother whose worth can never be told. —Sadly missed by Peg, Laur. Pat and Terry HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed in action, Tobruk. Aug. 3, 1941. Just a token, true and tender, to show, dear Reggie. I still remember. — Inserted by his friend Edna HUMPHRYS—Loving memory Reg. killed in action. Aug. 3, 1941. Time rolls on but memories stay, of a brother we loved and miss to this day. —Remembered by sister Daphne, brothers Allan (R.A.N.). Eric (A.I.F,). HUMPHRYS Memories of Reg. killed in action at Tobruk. Aug. 3, 1941. No one knows our silent heartaches, although we seldom look sad: you were ours, and we remember what a wonderful son we had. —Missed by father, mother. HUMPHRYS Loving memories of dear Reg. killed Tobruk. Aug. 3. 1941. Nobody knows the heartache, only those can tell who have lost a loving brother without a last farewell. Sadly missed. Ern (R.A.A.F.) Elsie and children HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother Reg. killed at Tobruk. Aug, 3. 1941. A smiling face hides an aching heart. —Always longed for by Eunice, Norm and family. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed in action. Tobruk. August 3 1941 A thought for today, a memory for ever. —Fondly remembered by Mrs Banks. Grace and Ern.
Advertiser Friday 3 August 1945, HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear son Reg, killed at Tobruk, 1941. It is not the tears at the moment shed That tell of a heart that is torn, But the loneliness of the last sad years as we think of the days that are gone —Sadly missed by mother and father HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg, killed at Tobruk Aug. 3, 1941. A tender chord of memory is softy touched today. —Inserted by Edna. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our brother, killed in action Aug. 3, 1941. God knows, Reg, how we loved you, how we prayed for your safe return Some day we will understand, dear, Why He took you from us so soon. —Sadly missed by sister Daph. and brother Allen (R.A.N.). HUMPHRYS. —In memory of brother Reg, killed in Tobruk on Aug. 3, 1941 Things have changed in many ways, but one thing changes never, the memory of those happy days, when we were all together. —Sadly missed by brother and sister-in-law, Lily and Eric HUMPHRYS. -In loving memory of Reg, killed Tobruk Aug. 3, 1941. Just a token, true and tender, to show we still remember. —Ever remembered by brother Don. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg, killed at Tobruk Aug. 3, 1941. When we look at your photo, Reg, we can't believe it's true. There are tears shed in silence when we think of you. —Always longed for by Eunice, Norm, and family HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of brother Reg, killed in action at Tobruk Aug. 3, 1941. Time drifts on, shadows fall, but beautiful memories outlast all. —Sadly missed by Peg, Lawrie, and family, Karoonda. HUMPHRYS, Reg.—To the memory of our dear friend and pal Reg, killed in action Tobruk Aug. 3, 1941. There is a road called Remembrance Where thoughts and wishes meet, we take that road in thought today to the pal we cannot greet. —Ever remembered by his friends, Mrs Banks and Grace HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of dear Reg, killed in action at Tobruk, Aug 3, 1941. When we look at your photo, Reg, we cannot believe it's true, Tears and breaking hearts are all we have When we think of you. —Sadly missed by Ern, ex-R.A.A.F., Elsie and children.
Advertiser Saturday 3 August 1946, page 18 HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of my dear son Reg. killed at Tobruk, August 3. 1941. I call you in my loneliness, my heart is filled with pain; I know you'll never answer, never more you’ll breathe my name. —Always longed for by his mother. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother Reg. killed in action at Tobruk. August 3. 1941. He never failed to do his best. His heart was true and tender. He toiled for those things be loved. And left us to remember. —So sadly missed by Peg. Lawrie and family. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother Reg, killed in action Tobruk. August 3. 1941 A nature you could not help loving. A heart that was purer than gold: To us who knew and loved him. His memory will never grow old. —Ever remembered by his brother and wife. Eric and Lily. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed at Tobruk. August 3. 1941. A distant crave is a touching thing. Where loving hands no flowers can bring: But God alone in His loving care will guard our brother sleeping there. —Always remembered by sister Eunice. Norm and family. HUMPHRYS. —ln loving memory of dear Reg killed at Tobruk. August 3. 1941. We treasure still, with love sincere sacred memories of you. so dear. —Always remembered by Ern. Elsie and children. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of brother Reg. killed in action Tobruk. August 3. 1941. No one knows the silent heartache, although we seldom look sad but we will always remember what a wonderful brother we had. —Always longed for by Daphne and Allen. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother Reg. 2/48th Btn. killed in action Tobruk August 3 1941. We think of you in silence. We often speak your name. But all we have to answer Is your photo in a frame. --Inserted by Don. Gwen and Bubs
Advertiser August 1947, HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed Tobruk, 1941. If you ever have a brother cherish him with care, for you never know the heartache until you miss him everywhere. —Always longed for by sister Daphne. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of my dear son Reg, killed at Tobruk, 1941. God gives us gifts of pleasure, bright, clear skies and friendship true, but the dearest gift God ever gave was the gift of a son like you. Sadly missed by mother. HUMPHRYS, R. B.—In loving memory of Reg, killed at Tobruk, August 3, 1941. 2/48 Bn. We think of you in silence, no eyes may see us weep; But ever in our aching hearts Your memory, Reg, will keep. —Inserted by your brother and sister-in-law, Eric and Lily. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg, killed in action, August 3, 1943. As you rest in peaceful sleep, your memory I will always keep. —Always remembered by brother Allen. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of brother Reg. killed in action at Tobruk August 3. 1941. Sweet memories form a golden chain to treasure till we meet again. —So sadly missed by Peg, Laurie and family. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed in action, Tobruk August 3 1941. People may think we've forgotten When they see us smile. They little know the heartache That smile hides all the while. —Sadly missed by sister Eunice, Norm and family.
Advertiser Tuesday 3 August 1948, HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our dear brother, who made the supreme sacrifice on August 3 1941 at Tobruk. Not Just today, but every day dear, in silence we remember. — So sadly missed by Peg. Laur and family HUMPHRYS, Reg.—ln memory of our dear brother-Reg, killed in action. El Alamein. with 2/48th Bn.—Always remembered by Eric, Lily and family. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed at Tobruk August 3 1941. With farewell left unspoken, he gently passed away. Memories stay as the year a pass by. —Longed for always by sister Eunice, Norm and family.
Advertiser August 1949, HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of our brother Reg. killed August 3 1941 in Tobruk. As you rest in peaceful sleep your memory we will always keep. —Inserted by brother, wife and kiddies Eric, Lily, Darrell and Gail. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg. killed in action Tobruk August, Parting is a heartache one cannot show. Those who have loved and parted are the only ones who know. —Longed for always by sister Eunice. Norm and family. HUMPHRYS. —in loving memory of brother Reg killed in action at Tobruk August 3 1941. Sweetest memories are ours dear —Ever remembered by Peg, Laurie. HUMPHRYS. —In fond remembrance of my dear son, killed in action on August 3, 1941. Cherished thoughts of a smiling face that did not come home when they sounded the last all clear. —Mother. HUMPHRYS. —In loving memory of Reg, killed Tobruk, August 3, 1941. We often sit and talk of you, and of the things you used to do. — Fondly remembered by sister Daphne, thought of by Ray and Reg.
Advertiser Thursday 3 August 1950, HUMPHRYS. — Loving memories of my son Reg, killed Tobruk. We cannot bring the old days back. How happy we all were then. But a mother's part is a broken heart Through all the lonely years. —Mother. HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of Reg, killed in action at Tobruk. August 3. 1941. The years many or few. We'll keep on remembering you. —Sadly missed by Peg. Laur. and family. HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of Reg, killed in action at Tobruk. August 3 1941. We think of you in silence. With a heart that is sincere: And cherish all the memories of the days when you were here. — Longed for always by his loving sister Eunice, Norm and family.
Advertiser Friday 3 August 1951, HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of my son Reg. K.I.A. 1941. there Is no pain in heaven. Reg. No weeping eyes to dry; All is peace and happiness. Au revoir dear, but not good bye. -Mother. HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of brother Reg. killed in action August 3. 1941. Tobruk. Down the lane of memory, the lights are never dim. Until the stars forget to shine, I'll always remember him. Always loved by Daphne. Ray and family. HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory if Reg. killed in action. August, 1941. at Tobruk. We grieve for you in silence with love that is sincere, and cherish every memory of the days when you were here —Longed for always by Eunice, Norm and family. HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of brother Reg killed in action at Tobruk. August 3 1941. Just to greet you in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. —Sadly missed by Peg, Laur. and family. Karoonda.
Advertiser Tuesday 5 August 1952, HUMPHRYS. — In loving memory of brother Reg. killed in action at Tobruk. August 3. 1941. So easy to remember, but so hard to forget. — Sadly missed by Peg. Laur and family.
Researched and written by Kaye Lee, daughter of Bryan Holmes, SX8133, 2/48th battalion.
Submitted 15 July 2021 by Kaye Lee
Pte Reginald Barton Humphrys 2/48th Batt AIF of 20 Frederick Place Adelaide. Son of Mr and Mrs W B Humphrys of same address. Educated at Cross Roads via Mannum Public School. Played all outdoor games including football and cricket. Worked as a farm labourer in Mannum district for several years and while working for Mr A Frahn, of Mannum enlisted in the 2nd AIF in July 1940. Left Australia in November for the Middle East. Fought in all engagements with his Battalion up to Tobruk. He was killed in action at Tobruk by a motor bomb on 3rd August 1941.
Information supplied from The Personal Pictorial Honor Roll of South Australians who enlisted in the Second World War.