Honour Roll for May

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Showing 6 of 206 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • JONES, Thomas Leonard
    Service numbers 455 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1893, Died 3 May 1915, Killed In Action
  • WILLIAMS, Thomas Alfred
    Service numbers 1439 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1891, Died 1 May 1915, Killed In Action
  • ELLIS, Bernard Hughs
    Service numbers 1529 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 13 Aug 1879, Died 9 May 1915, Killed in Action
  • KEAIRNS, Victor Roy
    Service numbers 520 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 18 Feb 1895, Died 4 May 1915, Died of Wounds (recieved in action at Gallipoli)
  • WILLIS, William Organ
    Service numbers 143 , Captain, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1 Aug 1877, Died 3 May 1915, Killed In Action
  • HARDMAN, Roy
    Service numbers 1615 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 17 Aug 1893, Died 5 May 1915, Died of wounds

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