Honour Roll for May

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Showing 3 of 3 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • OMSBY, Leonard Arthur
    Service numbers 407871 , Sergeant, No. 2 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 23 Sep 1915, Died 13 May 1942, Flying Battle
  • BERRY, Timpron Martin Kenneth
    Service numbers 144666 , Leading Aircraftman, RAAF Stores Depots, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 12 Dec 1900, Died 3 May 1945, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • ABBOTT, John Francis
    Service numbers SX9126 , Corporal, 22 Independent Brigade Group Ordnance Workshop AAOC, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 31 Oct 1908, Died 6 May 1942, Died of Illness (POW of Japan)

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