Honour Roll for May

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Showing 50 of 9983 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • MCKAY, Thomas
    Service numbers 455 , Trooper, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 10 May 1901, Killed
  • MCKENZIE, John T
    Service numbers 2683 , Bombardier, A Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 14 May 1901, Died
  • MONTGOMERIE, William
    Service numbers 1602 , Trooper, 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 30 May 1902, Dysentery
  • MOORE, Charles
    Service numbers 301 , Private, 4th Imperial Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 24 Sep 1875, Died 12 May 1901, Died of wounds
  • MORRISON, Randolph James
    Service numbers 1553 , Private, Died 20 May 1902, Enteric Fever
  • MURPHY, Arthur Edward
    Service numbers OFFICER , Lieutenant Colonel, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 28 May 1863, Died 29 May 1901, Killed In Action
  • OGLE, Ernest Chalinor
    Service numbers 464 , Private, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 21 Feb 1869, Died 16 May 1900, Enteric Fever
  • PAGE, Frank
    Service numbers 341 , Private, 6th Western Australian Mounted Infantry, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 15 May 1901, Killed in Action
  • RAWE, George
    Service numbers 380 , Private, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1866, Died 10 May 1900, Enteric Fever
  • ROBERTSON, Robert Patrick Norton
    Service numbers 1344 , Corporal, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 17 Mar 1872, Died 29 May 1901, Killed in Action
  • ROWE, John Ellwood
    Service numbers 622 , Trooper, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1879, Died 20 May 1901, Enteric Fever
  • SCHUMANN, Otto Frederick
    Service numbers 281 , Quartermaster Sergeant, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Born 1865, Died 6 May 1901, Killed in Action
  • SEMPLE, John
    Service numbers 403 , Private, 6th Western Australian Mounted Infantry, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1879, Died 15 May 1901, Killed in Action
  • SEYMOUR, Percy Callan
    Service numbers 152 , Sergeant, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushman, Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Born 11 Jun 1972, Died 20 May 1901, Enteric Fever
  • SMITH, Albert Edward
    Service numbers 58 , Private, A Squadron, New South Wales Mounted Infantry, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 25 Dec 1877, Died 31 May 1900, Died of Illness (enteric)
  • SMITH, Frederick Victor
    Service numbers 106 , Private, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1879, Died 1 May 1900, Killed in Action
  • SPENCER, Richard Walter
    Service numbers 436 , Private, 6th Western Australian Mounted Infantry, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 14 May 1901, Enteric Fever
  • STRACHAN, William
    Service numbers 2748 , Lance Corporal, 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 20 May 1902, Heart disease
  • SULLIVAN, Edward John
    Service numbers 534 , Sergeant, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1864, Died 26 May 1900, Enteric Fever
  • SWAN, John Campbell Duncan McPherson
    Service numbers 584 , Private, 3rd Victorian Imperial Bushman, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 16 Mar 1877, Died 28 May 1900, Melancholia, Malaria
  • TREATT, Graham Voller Dalhousie
    Service numbers OFFICER , Lieutenant, 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 16 Feb 1877, Died 14 May 1901, Enteric Fever
  • WAKLEY, Victor Oak
    Service numbers 186 , Private, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Born 1880, Died 21 May 1900, Enteric fever
  • WALTON, John Nathaniel
    Service numbers 275 , Quartermaster Sergeant, New South Wales Citizen Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 3 Dec 1858, Died 22 May 1900, Enteric Fever
    Service numbers 252 , Private, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 9 May 1901, Died of wounds
  • WHITE, James Edwin
    Service numbers 1475 , Private, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 12 Sep 1881, Died 29 May 1901, Killed in Action
  • WILLIAMS, Henry
    Service numbers 3716 , Staff Sergeant, 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Died 8 May 1901, Enteric Fever
  • WILSON, Robert Frank
    Service numbers 1102 , Private, 1st Australian Horse, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1879, Died 16 May 1900, Enteric Fever
  • JACKSON, Philip
    Service numbers 43 , Private, New South Wales Contingent - Sudan, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 22 Sep 1865, Died 18 May 1885, Illness
  • LEWIS, Edward
    Service numbers 719 , Gunner, New South Wales Contingent - Sudan, Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Born 1865, Died 12 May 1885, Enteric Fever
  • ROBERTSON, James Charles
    Service numbers 1226 , Gunner, New South Wales Contingent - Sudan, Australian and Colonial Military Forces - Boer War Contingents, Born 12 Oct 1858, Died 31 May 1885, Enteric Fever
  • WEIR, Robert
    Service numbers 392 , Private, New South Wales Contingent - Sudan, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 8 Apr 1863, Died 1 May 1885, Dysentery and Cholera
  • ABBOTT, Dal Edward
    Service numbers 2786017 , Private, 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 23 Sep 1946, Died 30 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • AHEARN, Alan William
    Service numbers 214287 , Sergeant, 8th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (8RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 30 May 1944, Died 14 May 1970, Died of wounds
  • BAILEY, Errol John
    Service numbers 2786313 , Private, 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 5 Aug 1945, Died 13 May 1968, Died of Wounds (received in Battle of Coral)
  • BARTHOLOMEW, Glen Trever
    Service numbers 2782555 , Private, 1st Field Squadron, RAE , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 20 Mar 1945, Died 18 May 1967, Accidental
  • BRADY, Gregory Vincent
    Service numbers 2782812 , Private, 1st Field Company Engineers, AIF WW1, Born 26 Mar 1945, Died 20 May 1967, Accidental (mine laying)
  • BRAMBLE, Peter John
    Service numbers 2789684 , Private, 1st Field Squadron, RAE , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 15 Apr 1947, Died 22 May 1969, Killed in Action
  • BROOKS, Dennis Lindsay
    Service numbers 3787889 , Private, 1st Field Squadron, RAE , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 5 May 1945, Died 22 May 1967, Died of injuries (land mine)
  • BROWN, Lindsay Noel
    Service numbers 3790530 , Private, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 25 Dec 1945, Died 26 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • CONSTABLE, George Alfred
    Service numbers 235125 , Major, 161 (Independent) Reconnaissance Flight , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 24 Mar 1936, Died 23 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • COOPER, Alan John
    Service numbers 4411171 , Private, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 7 May 1948, Died 26 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • CROUCH, Noel Valintine
    Service numbers 5716239 , Private, 7th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 23 Sep 1947, Died 21 May 1970, Killed in Action
  • DAVIES, Ronald Edward
    Service numbers 38530 , Private, 1st Field Squadron, RAE , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 18 Dec 1944, Died 28 May 1969, Killed in Action
  • DAWSON, Ian Kenneth
    Service numbers 215063 , Corporal, 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 27 Nov 1943, Died 14 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • DEED, Ramon John Peter
    Service numbers 3788300 , Private, 1st Field Squadron, RAE , Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 25 Jul 1945, Died 10 May 1967, Died of Injuries
  • DESNOY, John Walter
    Service numbers 3791033 , Private, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 15 Aug 1945, Died 26 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • DRUMMOND, Andrew
    Service numbers 55537 , Private, 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 2 May 1942, Died 30 May 1969, Accidental
  • DURRINGTON, John Thomas
    Service numbers 36485 , Warrant Officer Class 2, Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 4 Oct 1938, Died 30 May 1968, Killed in Action
  • GILL, Michael William Thomas
    Service numbers 14667 , Warrant Officer Class 2, Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 8 Feb 1941, Died 6 May 1969, Killed in Action
  • GOODY, Phillip Raymond
    Service numbers 1734847 , Lance Corporal, 8th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (8RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 25 Mar 1948, Died 1 May 1970, Accidental

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