Today's Honour Roll (October 17th)






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Showing 16 of 266 results for people

  • TAYLOR, George Frederick
    Service numbers W32163 , Corporal, Born 3 Sep 1886, Died 17 Oct 1942, Accidental
  • THIRKELL, Neil Emmerson
    Service numbers TX12329 , Sergeant, 12/40 (12/50) Infantry Battalion AMF, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 19 Sep 1920, Died 17 Oct 1945, Injuries
  • VINCENT, Allen Henry
    Service numbers NX106099 , Private, Born 2 Feb 1923, Died 17 Oct 1942, Injuries
  • WALTERS, Maurice
    Service numbers 415203 , Warrant Officer, Born 15 Jan 1922, Died 17 Oct 1946, Illness
  • WANN, Robert Edward
    Service numbers 29060 , Corporal, Born 10 Nov 1908, Died 17 Oct 1940, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • WHITEHEAD, Samuel
    Service numbers NX57246 , Private, 2nd/2nd Pioneer Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 14 Feb 1919, Died 17 Oct 1943, Killed in action
  • WILLIAMS, Jack Eric
    Service numbers QX1593 , Sergeant, 2nd/32nd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 7 Jun 1917, Died 17 Oct 1943, Killed in action
  • WILSON, Neil Harold
    Service numbers NX73579 , Private, Born 19 Feb 1920, Died 17 Oct 1944, Injuries sustained in motor cycle accident while on duty
  • WINDEYER, Henry Francis
    Service numbers NX12224 , Captain, 2nd/17th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 31 Mar 1914, Died 17 Oct 1941, Died Of Wounds
  • CLOUGH, John William
    Service numbers 3200 , Trooper, NSW Imperial Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 1871, Died 17 Oct 1901, Enteric Fever
  • WOMAL, Norman James
    Service numbers 15170 , Corporal, 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR), Australian Army (Post WW2), Born 2 Feb 1938, Died 17 Oct 1966, Killed in Action
  • GILBERT, John Driffield
    Service numbers OFFICER , Lieutenant, Royal Flying Corps, British Forces (All Conflicts), Born 1 Aug 1893, Died 17 Oct 1917, Killed In Action
  • HOSKING, Arthur
    Service numbers 4253 , Private, 27th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Oct 1916, Pneumonia and heart failure
  • MUNDAY, Wynton Scott
    Service numbers 40637 , Flight Officer, No. 15 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force , Born 22 Apr 1914, Died 17 Oct 1940, Training Accident
  • MILNE, Harold Ernest
    Service numbers DEPOT , Private, Depot Battalion , Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Died 17 Oct 1915, Broncho Pneumonia and Measles
  • TURNER, George Michael
    Service numbers 1329 , Private, 19th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Oct 1915, Died of Wounds

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