Today's Honour Roll (September 16th)





Aircrew Training Units (Clear)


Australian War Memorial, ... (Clear)

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Showing 4 of 4 results for people

  • GILPIN, Richard Ronald Robinson
    Service numbers 434589 , Leading Aircraftman, Aircrew Training Units, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 23 Sep 1917, Died 16 Sep 1943, Accidental (Flying Accident)
  • KNIGHT, Leslie Gordon
    Service numbers 401449 , Flight Lieutenant, No. 617 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force , Born 7 Mar 1921, Died 16 Sep 1943, Lost in the Raid on Dortmund-Ems Canal
  • SPAFFORD, Frederick Michael
    Service numbers 407380 , Flying Officer, No. 617 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force , Born 16 Jun 1918, Died 16 Sep 1943, Raid on Dortmund Ems Canal
  • SPEET, Theodore William John
    Service numbers 412206 , Flight Lieutenant, No. 1 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 8 May 1913, Died 16 Sep 1944, Accidental

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