Emanuel Percival (Mannie) DAVIS

DAVIS, Emanuel Percival

Service Number: 774
Enlisted: 5 September 1914, Enlisted at Blackboy Hill, WA
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 11th Infantry Battalion
Born: Armadale, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, June 1887
Home Town: Perth, Western Australia
Schooling: Armadale State School, Victoria; Acton Private School, England
Occupation: Commercial Traveller/Farmer
Died: Wounds, At sea on board HS Sicilia, Gallipoli, Dardanelles, Turkey, 18 July 1915
Cemetery: No known grave - "Known Unto God"
No known grave, buried at sea Panel 33, Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli Peninsula, Canakkale Province, Turkey
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Kings Park Western Australia State War Memorial, Lone Pine Memorial to the Missing, Mingenew Honour Roll, Mingenew Upper Irwin Roads Board District Roll of Honor WW1, Mingenew War Memorial, Morawa War Memorial, WA Jewish War Memorial
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World War 1 Service

5 Sep 1914: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 774, 11th Infantry Battalion, Enlisted at Blackboy Hill, WA
2 Nov 1914: Involvement Private, 774, 11th Infantry Battalion, ANZAC / Gallipoli, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '10' embarkation_place: Fremantle embarkation_ship: HMAT Ascanius embarkation_ship_number: A11 public_note: ''
2 Nov 1914: Embarked Private, 774, 11th Infantry Battalion, HMAT Ascanius, Fremantle

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Biography contributed by Carol Foster

Address at the time of enlistment was Geraldton, WA

Son of Isaac Davis and Rosetta Davis nee Nathan of Morawa, WA. In 1921 Rosetta was living in South Africa. Brother of Alfred Nathaniel Davis of Mount Lawley, WA

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Meal