Richard (Dick) HARRISON


Service Number: 2130
Enlisted: 23 February 1916
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 4th Pioneer Battalion
Born: Broweena, Queensland, Australia, 1 December 1894
Home Town: Biggenden, North Burnett, Queensland
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Mailman
Died: Biggenden Hospital, Queensland, Australia, 1979, cause of death not yet discovered
Cemetery: Albany Creek Memorial Park-Cemetery & Crematorium, QLD
Memorials: Brooweena Bridge Creek War Memorial Bridge, Brooweena War Memorial
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World War 1 Service

23 Feb 1916: Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 2130, 4th Infantry Battalion
1 May 1916: Involvement Private, 2130, 4th Pioneer Battalion, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '5' embarkation_place: Brisbane embarkation_ship: HMAT Clan McGillivray embarkation_ship_number: A46 public_note: ''
1 May 1916: Embarked Private, 2130, 4th Pioneer Battalion, HMAT Clan McGillivray, Brisbane
23 Apr 1917: Wounded AIF WW1, Private, 2130, 4th Pioneer Battalion, Near FREMICOURT a HE shell exploded wounding him severely in the head.
17 Jan 1918: Discharged AIF WW1, Private, 2130, 4th Pioneer Battalion, MD due to head wound from 23/4/1917

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Biography contributed by Evan Evans

From John Meyers (Son in law), Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum


Richard ‘Dick’ HARRISON was born at Brooweena near Maryborough Q, on 1 Dec 1894.  Prior to WWI, he was employed as a Mailman.  Every Monday morning he would arrive at the Brooweena Post Office on horseback, leading a packhorse.  After loading the mail and goods he would set off at a canter, for a five day ride, to visit far flung cattle stations on his mail circuit. 

At night he would be accommodated in the bunk-house of the stations and the property owners would provide him with fresh horses for the next day.  Riding through mountainous and hilly country and crossing many creeks, he would travel in excess of 150 kilometres during the five days.

When WWI broke out, he felt it was his duty to enlist in the AIF and he was posted to the 4th Pioneer Battalion, as a Private.  As a pioneer soldier he was engaged in engineer construction, but also trained as an infantryman.

On 23 April 1917, his unit was stationed at BAPAUME and each day they were taken by motor lorry to near FREMICOURT to lay decauville light railway tracks in preparation for the forthcoming PASSCHENDAELE battles.  On this day, Pte HARRISON was severely wounded, when a German shell exploded near him.  As a result of his injuries he was transported to hospital and a plate was inserted in his skull.  Recovery was slow and he spent a period of time convalescing in England prior to return to Australia and discharge in Brisbane on 17 Jan 1918.  Whilst convalescing in England, he attended therapy classes and the frame of the attached photos was made by him.


In the photos are his sister Ruth on the left and on the right he is seated beside his mother, Alice Harrison.

After the war, he returned to the bush and for many years was a dairy farmer followed by a period of time working on the Woocoo Shire Council as a labourer.  He married in 1942 and was father to five children.  Sadly, three of his children predeceased him.

He passed away in the Biggenden Hospital in 1979 at the age of 85 years. 

A Memorial Bridge was constructed by the residents of Woocoo Shire at Mount Joseph in the 1920’s.  It is recognised as the only Memorial Bridge in Queensland and the names of all WWI soldiers from the Shire are listed thereon.  Ironically, the bridge is on the same road that he travelled as a mailman, prior to the war.