Leonard Vivian FOX

FOX, Leonard Vivian

Service Number: 4784
Enlisted: 12 October 1915, Enlisted at Claremont, Tasmania
Last Rank: Private
Last Unit: 12th Infantry Battalion
Born: Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia, 1897
Home Town: Zeehan, West Coast, Tasmania
Schooling: Not yet discovered
Occupation: Miner
Died: Wounds - back, 8th Red Cross Hospital, Touquet, France, 29 October 1916
Cemetery: Etaples Military Cemetery
Plot V111, Row E, Grave 15, Etaples Military Cemetery, Etaples, Nord Pas de Calais, France
Memorials: Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour
Show Relationships

Biography contributed by Carol Foster

Step son of Frances Agnes Fox of 4 Mace Street, Zeehan, Tasmania

Next of kin given as his brother Jack Fox of 4 Mace Street, Zeehan, Tasmania. Also brother of William Francis Fox and Kathleen Fox; half brother of Bernard Fox and Frances Imelda Fox

Medals: British War Medal, Victory Medal