GRAHAM, Arthur John
Service Number: | 16694 |
Enlisted: | 22 February 1916, Bendigo, Victoria |
Last Rank: | Private |
Last Unit: | 13th Field Ambulance |
Born: | Epsom, Victoria, Australia, November 1892 |
Home Town: | White Hills, Bendigo, Victoria |
Schooling: | White Hills State School, Victoria, Australia |
Occupation: | Potter |
Died: | Killed in action - shell fire, Villers-Bretonneux, France, 25 April 1918 |
Cemetery: |
Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery Plot X, Row C, Grave No. 5, Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux, Picardie, France |
Memorials: | Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Bendigo Great War Roll of Honor, Bendigo White Hills Arch of Triumph |
World War 1 Service
22 Feb 1916: | Enlisted AIF WW1, Private, 16694, Bendigo, Victoria | |
17 Jan 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, Army Medical Corps (AIF), Enlistment/Embarkation WW1, --- :embarkation_roll: roll_number: '23' embarkation_place: Melbourne embarkation_ship: RMS Omrah embarkation_ship_number: '' public_note: '' | |
17 Jan 1917: | Embarked AIF WW1, Private, 16694, Army Medical Corps (AIF), RMS Omrah, Melbourne | |
12 Jun 1917: | Transferred AIF WW1, Private, 4th Sanitary Section, France | |
29 Aug 1917: | Transferred AIF WW1, Private, 13th Field Ambulance, Belgium | |
26 Sep 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, 13th Field Ambulance, Polygon Wood | |
12 Oct 1917: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, 13th Field Ambulance, 1st Passchendaele | |
28 Mar 1918: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, 13th Field Ambulance, Dernancourt/Ancre | |
5 Apr 1918: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, 13th Field Ambulance, German Spring Offensive 1918 | |
25 Apr 1918: | Involvement AIF WW1, Private, 16694, 13th Field Ambulance, Villers-Bretonneux, --- :awm_ww1_roll_of_honour_import: awm_service_number: 16694 awm_unit: 13th Australian Field Ambulance awm_rank: Private awm_died_date: 1918-04-25 |
Help us honour Arthur John Graham's service by contributing information, stories, and images so that they can be preserved for future generations.
Add my storyBiography contributed by Jack Coyne
The Bendigo Independent Newspaper published the following letter addressed to Mr Fred Graham of 370 Napier st, White Hills on Thursday August 22, 1918.
The following letter has been received by Mr. F. W Graham, White Hills, whose son, Private A. J. Graham, was killed in action in France on Anzac Day, 1918: —
Dated May 1, 1918 —
Dear Mr. Graham,
Long before this, no doubt, you have been informed of the death ofpoor old Arthur and, perhaps, others in the unit have, written giving you particulars.I feel, though, that I must write you a few lines, although it is almost as painful for me to write as it will be for you to read. For I was his partner, his mate in everything. For months we had slept together, shared our money, our cigarettes, and our confidences and been pals in the true and full sense of the word. So when I write to express my deepest sympathy with you I am sure you will believe that it comes from the bottom of my heart.
I still find it hard to realise that my pal has gone; the boy I knew through and through and whose company I always sought,- but to-day it is to you, who have been robbed of the son you must have been proud of, that my thoughts go out in heartfelt sympathy.
We had planned to go on leave together, with "Ludy," another good friend, who is also writing as soon as this stunt is over. I am not looking forward to that leave with any real pleasure now.
It happened on Anzac Day, April 25. Our brigade had made a stunt on the previous night, and all that night and the following day we stretcher-bearers were busily engaged in clearing up the casualties. It was hard, exhausting work, and the wounded had to be carried over country that was continually swept by shell and machine-gun fire. Several times during the night and day I saw Arthur, who was working with another squad but over the same country, and not once did he pass without some cheerful greeting. He was always like that. Don't think I am exaggerating when I say that there was not a better bearer in the unit or a more steadfastly cheerful boy in the face of danger than Arthur, for anybody in the unit would say the same. We have very little idea of the time on days such as these, but I suppose it was about midday when it happened.
His squad was returning to the collecting post for another patient when a shell exploded only a few yards away and inflicted the wounds. A few minutes later our squad came along, and when we saw one of those wounded was Arthur we stopped. He was quite conscious and recognised me at once, but as we had a wounded man with us, and there were already several boys dressing his wounds, I just said a few words of good cheer and went on to the relay post, where we got rid of our case and waited. In a very few minutes Arthur was brought along, still quite conscious. He recognised us all, but it was very evident that the poor boy could not last long. Hurriedly and sorrowfully we said good-bye, and though he spoke only a few words there was an answering pressure to my handshake that I will never forget.
We were not surprised, only very sad to hear later that he passed away before the bearers reached the dressing station. Experienced as we are, we all knew that nothing could save him, but his wounds were dressed with special care, and while he breathed the bearers carried him with all possible speed for the station. It is poor consolation, perhaps, but I am sure you will be glad to know that everything possible was done to save him pain, and that he passed away. The end was very peaceful, surrounded by good friends, not one of whom could trust themselves to speak. Arthur was brought out of the line, and the burial service was read by the padre. Others will be writing to tell you of the cross we are erecting for him and two others of the unit (fellow-bearers), who are buried alongside. His comrade (L. W. King), who was wounded by the same shell, died at the dressing station, and during the day a third member of the unit (R. Banks) was mortally wounded, so that only one (Playford) survived the day. Others will be giving you all other particulars. Arthur's personal possessions will be returned through the authorities.
In conclusion to you, the parents of the best pal I have had, I would say that I only hope you will find comfort in the knowledge that your boy was highly respected by all who knew him; that his life away from you was upright and honorable; that he was a real white man: and that, finally, he gave his life in performance of a duty that is noble and full of honor. A little while ago a padre, over the grave of one of our bearers, said:— "If Christ was on earth today he would be a stretcher bearer." Arthur never funked it; he always played the game, and I was proud to call him my pal. Allow me to offer you my very deepest sympathy. I think of you, his sisters and Miss Ruby and share your sorrow.
Sincerely yours, H. A. M. Campbell.
Earlier on May 13 1918, The Bendigo Advertiser published the following report -
Profound regret was expressed in White Hills on Saturday morning when it became known that word had been received from the Defence department that Private Arthur John Graham had been killed at the front. He was the third and youngest son of Mr. Fred. Graham, of Napier-street, White Hills, and enlisted on 19th February. 1916, in the Army Medical Corps. He sailed with the reinforcements on 10th February, 1916.
Prior to enlisting he was employed by the Bendigo Pottery Company. He was 25 years old last November, and was dearly beloved by all who knew him, being of a genial disposition, and always ready to lend a willing hand. He was a native of Epsom, and his elder brother joined the Garrison Artillery some years ago, but he now is in the barracks at the Defence department.
Private Graham was a committeeman of the Reading Room, White Hills, and was a most ardent worker for the institution.
Arthur John Graham story
Arthur enlisted on February 22, 1916. Arthur's brother had already enlisted and fellow worker at Bendigo Pottery, Jack Pocock had enlisted just twenty days earlier.
Arthur’s father lived at 370 Napier st, White Hills with his sisters. His mother Barbara had died 16 years earlier in 1900.
Arthur signed up with the Medical Corp and his first posting was to the Clearing House at the Broadmeadows camp, during which time he would spend a month in hospital at Seymour recovering from Bronchitis.
It would be 11 months in training before Arthur would leave for overseas. He along with other members of the Army Medical Corp would embark for Europe on the RMS Omrah A35 on January 17, 1917. The sea journey would be long, taking over 90 days. They would land at Devenport on the Southern Coast of England on at the end of winter, March 27, 1917.
After a such a long period waiting to embark from Australia, it would be just one month in England, before Arthur would proceed to France via Folkestone arriving in the British Base camp at Estaples on April 7, 1917.
His first assignment in France would be with the 4th Division Sanitary section, ensuring the health of the soldiers in the field. The unit would be accountable for sanitary conditions behind the lines and in the field medical facilities. They would also bring in the casualties during and after battles.
In late August, he would be back with the 13th Field Ambulance unit. He would serve another 6 months in the field before being given two weeks leave to Paris on February 2, 1918.
On February 21, 1918 he rejoined his unit, and would follow the Australian Divisions as they were called upon to defend the crucial railway city of Amiens in Northern France.
In March and April 1918, AIF battalions helped to stop the major German spring offensive near Amiens. The Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux took place during the Battle of the Lys, 24–27 April 1918, when an assault was launched against the Allied lines to the east of Amiens. It is notable for the first major use of tanks by the Germans and British. (Wikipedia)
The famous counter-attack by two Australian battalions took place during the night of 24 April when they partly surrounded Villers-Bretonneux and on 25 April the town was recaptured. The two brigades swept around Villers-Bretonneux and the Germans retreated, for a while escaping the pocket along a railway cutting. The Australians eventually captured the German positions and pushed the German line back, leaving the German troops in Villers-Bretonneux surrounded. The British units attacked frontally and suffered many casualties. By 25 April, the town had been recaptured and handed back to the villagers. The battle was a great success for the Australian troops, who had defeated the German attempt to capture Amiens and recaptured the important town of Villers-Bretonneux while outnumbered; the village remained in Allied hands to the end of the war.
As we read in Private Campbell’s letter to Arthur’s father, Arthur Graham was mortally wounded on Anzac day 1918.
In a series of letters to Mr Graham, from the Base Records office, he is told Arthur has been killed at Villers – Bretonneux, buried initially under the supervision of Reverand W Warren at first the Le Blangy Caberet cemetery south east of Amiens. He is later informed Arthur's remains have been exhumed and re-interred in the Villers – Bretonneux Military Cemetery one and half miles north of VB. The work is carried out with every measure of care and reverence in the presence of the Chaplin.
Inscribed on Arthur's headtone at the Villers – Bretonneux Military Cemetery is 'THERE'S A LINK DEATH CANNOT SEVER LOVE & REMEMBRANCE LAST FOR EVER'.
Private Arthur Graham is remembered by the people of White Hills. The names of the local lads who sacrificed their lives and those that were fortunate to return from the Great War are shown on the embossed copper plaques on the White Hills Arch of Triumph, at the entrance to the White Hills Botanic Gardens.
Postscript - The Private Harold Maurice Campbell 16261 who wrote that beautiful letter to Arthur Graham's father was honoured for his bravery on the night of that same battle at Villers-Bretonneux. See link.
Harold Campbell was born near Ballarat however, had moved to Western Australia where he became a reporter before enlisting in WW1. He would go on after the war to become a journalist of some acclaim becoming the editor of The Age newspaper in 1939. The reputation earned by the Age under Campbell's editorship and his standing as a journalist were acknowledged in 1945 with his appointment by Prime Minister Curtin to the Australian delegation to the conference at San Francisco, United States of America, which drafted the charter of the United Nations. He attended the U.N. General Assembly in New York in 1949 as one of three non-official advisers to the Australian delegation to discuss freedom of information. Appointed C.M.G. in 1953, he was knighted in 1957 for his services to journalism.
Source - Australian Dictionary of Biography on Sir Harold Alfred Maurice CAMPBELL (1892–1959)
Biography contributed by Evan Evans
From Francois Berthout
Pte 16694 Arthur John Graham,
Australian Army Medical Corps,
13th Australian Field Ambulance
Today, on this sacred day of ANZAC Day, Australians and French stand together shoulder to shoulder in remembrance, in the silence of the poppies of the Somme through which so many young Diggers gave their lives to save our country and who, side by side, with the greatest bravery, with determination and conviction, with faith and resilience, proudly served and fought for what was right and for peace and freedom to prevail beyond the darkness of war in which they gave their today in the trenches, in the mud and the barbed wire through which the blood of so many men were shed then in the prime of their lives and who, through their deeds and their sacrifices, made their country proud guided by the ANZAC spirit who gave strength and courage to a whole generation of heroes to stand tall and strong in the face of death and the rains of bullets through which they charged bayonets forward and which, after a last step, fell in the eternal shroud of the sacred fields of northern France on which thousands of young Australians still stand and over which I will always watch with respect and with all my heart so that they are never forgotten, so that the names of these boys, of these men live forever.
Today, it is with the utmost respect and with the deepest gratitude that I would like to honor the memory of one of these young men, of one of my boys of the Somme who, with courage, answered to the call of duty and for our tomorrow, in France, gave his life.I would like to pay a very respectful tribute to Private number 16694 Arthur John Graham who fought in the Australian Army Medical Corps, 13th Australian Field Ambulance, and who died of his wounds 105 years ago, on April 25, 1918 at the age of 25 on the Somme front.
Arthur John Graham was born in November 1892 in Epsom, Victoria, Australia, and was the son of Frederick William and Barbara Graham, of 370 Napier Street, White Hills, Bendigo, Victoria, but on May 16, 1900, Barbara died and Arthur, as well as his brother and sisters, lived together with their father. Arthur was educated at the White Hills State School, Victoria, and after graduation, worked as a potter for the firm "Bendigo Company Pottery" until the outbreak of the war.
Arthur enlisted on February 22, 1916 at Bendigo, Victoria, in the Australian Army Medical Corps, 13th Australian Field Ambulance, and his first posting was to the Clearing House at the Broadmeadows camp, during which time he would spend a month in hospital at Seymour recovering from Bronchitis.
It would be 11 months in training before Arthur would leave for overseas. He along with other members of the Army Medical Corp would embark for Europe on the RMS Omrah A35 on January 17, 1917. The sea journey would be long, taking over 90 days. They would land at Devenport on the Southern Coast of England on at the end of winter, March 27, 1917.
After a such a long period waiting to embark from Australia, it would be just one month in England, before Arthur would proceed to France via Folkestone arriving in the British Base camp at Etaples on April 7, 1917.
His first assignment in France would be with the 4th Division Sanitary section, ensuring the health of the soldiers in the field. The unit would be accountable for sanitary conditions behind the lines and in the field medical facilities. They would also bring in the casualties during and after battles.
In late August, he would be back with the 13th Field Ambulance unit. He would serve another 6 months in the field before being given two weeks leave to Paris on February 2, 1918.
On February 21, 1918 he rejoined his unit, and would follow the Australian Divisions as they were called upon to defend the crucial railway city of Amiens in Northern France.
In March and April 1918, AIF battalions helped to stop the major German spring offensive near Amiens and Arthur's unit (between April 24 and 26), served with the utmost dedication and bravery during the second battle of Villers-Bretonneux, in the Somme.
The famous counter-attack by two Australian battalions took place during the night of 24 April when they partly surrounded Villers-Bretonneux and on 25 April the town was recaptured. The two brigades swept around Villers-Bretonneux and the Germans retreated, for a while escaping the pocket along a railway cutting. The Australians eventually captured the German positions and pushed the German line back, leaving the German troops in Villers-Bretonneux surrounded. The British units attacked frontally and suffered many casualties. By 25 April, the town had been recaptured and handed back to the villagers. The battle was a great success for the Australian troops, who had defeated the German attempt to capture Amiens and recaptured the important town of Villers-Bretonneux while outnumbered; the village remained in Allied hands to the end of the war.
Unfortunately, it was during the decisive battle of Villers-Bretonneux that Arthur met his fate and on April 25, while with stretcher-bearers he was preparing to collect the wounded at a collecting post, a shell fell near him and, seriously injured, he died very shortly after, he was 25 years old.
In a series of letters to Mr Graham, from the Base Records office, he is told Arthur has been killed at Villers-Bretonneux, buried initially under the supervision of Reverand Warren at first at the Le Blangy Caberet cemetery south east of Amiens. He is later informed Arthur's remains have been exhumed and re-interred in the Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery. The work is carried out with every measure of care and reverence in the presence of the Chaplin.
Today, Arthur John Graham rests in peace alongside his friends, comrades and brothers in arms at Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Somme, and his grave bears the following inscription: "There's a link death cannot sever love and remembrance last for ever."
After the death of Arthur, one of his best friends who served at his side, Private number 16261 Harold Alfred Morris Campbell wrote the following letter to Arthur's father and was published on August 22, 1918 in the Bendigo Independent Newspaper:
"Dear Mr. Graham,
Long before this, no doubt, you have been informed of the death ofpoor old Arthur and, perhaps, others in the unit have, written giving you particulars.I feel, though, that I must write you a few lines, although it is almost as painful for me to write as it will be for you to read. For I was his partner, his mate in everything. For months we had slept together, shared our money, our cigarettes, and our confidences and been pals in the true and full sense of the word. So when I write to express my deepest sympathy with you I am sure you will believe that it comes from the bottom of my heart.
I still find it hard to realise that my pal has gone; the boy I knew through and through and whose company I always sought,- but to-day it is to you, who have been robbed of the son you must have been proud of, that my thoughts go out in heartfelt sympathy.
We had planned to go on leave together, with "Ludy," another good friend, who is also writing as soon as this stunt is over. I am not looking forward to that leave with any real pleasure now.
It happened on Anzac Day, April 25. Our brigade had made a stunt on the previous night, and all that night and the following day we stretcher-bearers were busily engaged in clearing up the casualties. It was hard, exhausting work, and the wounded had to be carried over country that was continually swept by shell and machine-gun fire. Several times during the night and day I saw Arthur, who was working with another squad but over the same country, and not once did he pass without some cheerful greeting. He was always like that. Don't think I am exaggerating when I say that there was not a better bearer in the unit or a more steadfastly cheerful boy in the face of danger than Arthur, for anybody in the unit would say the same. We have very little idea of the time on days such as these, but I suppose it was about midday when it happened.
His squad was returning to the collecting post for another patient when a shell exploded only a few yards away and inflicted the wounds. A few minutes later our squad came along, and when we saw one of those wounded was Arthur we stopped. He was quite conscious and recognised me at once, but as we had a wounded man with us, and there were already several boys dressing his wounds, I just said a few words of good cheer and went on to the relay post, where we got rid of our case and waited. In a very few minutes Arthur was brought along, still quite conscious. He recognised us all, but it was very evident that the poor boy could not last long. Hurriedly and sorrowfully we said good-bye, and though he spoke only a few words there was an answering pressure to my handshake that I will never forget.
We were not surprised, only very sad to hear later that he passed away before the bearers reached the dressing station. Experienced as we are, we all knew that nothing could save him, but his wounds were dressed with special care, and while he breathed the bearers carried him with all possible speed for the station. It is poor consolation, perhaps, but I am sure you will be glad to know that everything possible was done to save him pain, and that he passed away. The end was very peaceful, surrounded by good friends, not one of whom could trust themselves to speak. Arthur was brought out of the line, and the burial service was read by the padre. Others will be writing to tell you of the cross we are erecting for him and two others of the unit (fellow-bearers), who are buried alongside. His comrade (L. W. King), who was wounded by the same shell, died at the dressing station, and during the day a third member of the unit (R. Banks) was mortally wounded, so that only one (Playford) survived the day. Others will be giving you all other particulars. Arthur's personal possessions will be returned through the authorities.
In conclusion to you, the parents of the best pal I have had, I would say that I only hope you will find comfort in the knowledge that your boy was highly respected by all who knew him; that his life away from you was upright and honorable; that he was a real white man: and that, finally, he gave his life in performance of a duty that is noble and full of honor.
A little while ago a padre, over the grave of one of our bearers, said:"If Christ was on earth today he would be a stretcher bearer." Arthur never funked it; he always played the game, and I was proud to call him my pal. Allow me to offer you my very deepest sympathy. I think of you, his sisters and Miss Ruby and share your sorrow.
Sincerely yours,
Harold Alfred Morris Campbell."
Earlier on May 13, 1918, The Bendigo Advertiser published the following report:
"Private Arthur John Graham,
Profound regret was expressed in White Hills on Saturday morning when it became known that word had been received from the Defence department that Private Arthur John Graham had been killed at the front. He was the third and youngest son of Mr. Fred. Graham, of Napier-street, White Hills, and enlisted on 19th February 1916, in the Army Medical Corps. He sailed with the reinforcements on 10th February, 1916.
Prior to enlisting he was employed by the Bendigo Pottery Company. He was 25 years old last November, and was dearly beloved by all who knew him, being of a genial disposition, and always ready to lend a willing hand. He was a native of Epsom, and his elder brother joined the Garrison Artillery some years ago, but he now is in the barracks at the Defence department.
Private Graham was a committeeman of the Reading Room, White Hills, and was a most ardent worker for the institution."
Private Arthur John Graham is remembered by the people of White Hills. The names of the local lads who sacrificed their lives and those that were fortunate to return from the Great War are shown on the embossed copper plaques on the White Hills Arch of Triumph, at the entrance to the White Hills Botanic Gardens.
Deeply traumatized by the loss of his son, Frederick Graham died on October 24, 1929 and rests today in peace alongside his wife, Barbara in White Hills Cemetery, Bendigo, Victoria.
Arthur, so young but already so brave in the prime of your life, on this day of remembrance, it is with deep love and admiration that I would like to express my gratitude to you, which alone through my words would not be strong enough to say thank you for all that you and your friends, your comrades did for my country and for which so many young Australian soldiers, so many young boys gave and sacrificed for us through the poppies which were the witnesses of courage and determination of the whole Australian nation whose sons and daughters served side by side with the greatest pride with, in their hearts the deep feeling of doing what was right and of belonging to a generation of heroes who, in life and on the battlefields, acted with courage and faith to make this world better and who, together, in the mud and the trenches of the great war, in Gallipoli, Fromelles, Pozieres, Ypres, Amiens, Villers-Bretonneux, St Quentin , Dernancourt, Flers, Montbrehain, fought relentlessly and with the strength of real lions in the name of freedom and peace for which they shed their blood but despite what they went through, despite the death around them, despite the horror and suffering, they always carried with them, on their faces hollowed and blackened by fatigue and mud, an eternal smile, a good humor forged in the camaraderie which gave them the strength and the courage to stand tall and ready to doing their duty beyond the parapets and despite howling hurricanes of fire and steel, with nowhere to hide from the brutality of a world at war, they never backed down, they refused to cede a single meter of French soil and through this determination, was born in the eyes and in the hearts of their French comrades, a deep admiration from which was born an unfailing friendship between Australian and French soldiers who fought together for the same causes but with tenderness, they said of the Diggers that they were the bravest men they had ever seen and that they were always proud and honored to fight with them.Brave among the bravest, without hesitation, these men, for their comrades, for France and for Australia, left behind them lives full of promise, innocence and the joys shared between friends, the promise of a love in the arms of their fiancées, the tenderness of their mothers and the comfort of their fathers, the warmth of their homes, the beauty of the country which saw them born and grow up and in a common spirit, marched for the battlefields of the great war, for the greatest adventures of which they had been told and with their brothers, marched with a determined and courageous step towards a distant horizon, towards days filled with uncertainties behind the music of the bugles and through fields of mud continually returned by the shells, were greeted by bursts of enemy machine guns which caused in their ranks, the first casualties of men who, a few hours earlier were full of hope and whose lifeless bodies were a trauma for their mates who, in that fury of an abominable war lost their innocence and through the barbed wire, towards the enemy positions, charged forward with admirable courage in waves of assault which ended in abominable bloodbaths in the clash of bayonets and rifle butts which, hour after hour, day after day, barrel towards the ground, marked forever the last resting place of so many young men who gave their today and their everything for what was dear to them and who, more than a hundred years after the end of the war, still stand side by side behind the shadows of their white graves, in eternal youth, and silent, still watch over their comrades who fought and fell with them and who, with pride, watch like eternal sentinels on the sacred grounds of the Somme and of France for which they sacrificed everything they had.Young forever, they became our sons and will forever be, each of them, one of ours on whom, today, more than ever, I am proud and honored to watch over and for whom I would give my life so that they are never forgotten, to say thank you to them and today, in this ANZAC Day, I am proud, more than ever to be considered a young adopted Aussie and even if I am French, Australia will forever be my true country. Thank you so much Arthur, for all that you and your comrades have done for my country.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,we will remember him,we will remember them.
I would like to very respectfully and warmly thank Mr Jack Coyne and Virtual War Memorial Australia for their invaluable help without which I would not have been able to write this tribute.