Honour Roll for May

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Showing 50 of 284 results for people from Adelaide WW2 Wall of Remembrance

  • PACKER, Thomas Edwin
    Service numbers 407453 , Flight Sergeant, No. 450 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 18 Feb 1920, Died 29 May 1942, Flying Battle
  • HALLIDAY, Richard Arthur George
    Service numbers 407426 , Sergeant, No. 457 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 16 Mar 1915, Died 9 May 1942, Flying Battle over English Channel
  • GERMEIN, Joseph Francis
    Service numbers 407362, S25851 , Private, No. 113 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force , Born 11 Jul 1921, Died 23 May 1942, Flying Battle
  • DAVIS, Richard Paterson
    Service numbers 407285 , Flight Sergeant, Born 21 Aug 1919, Died 30 May 1942, Air operations
  • NOURSE, Arthur George Myers
    Service numbers 407180 , Warrant Officer, Born 23 Jul 1921, Died 25 May 1943, Flying Battle
  • MACGREGOR-KING, Thomas Freer
    Service numbers 407178 , Sergeant, No. 12 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 2 Apr 1918, Died 6 May 1942, Flying Battle
  • ELLIS, William Stevens
    Service numbers 152777 , Born 31 May 1924, Died 13 May 1945, Illness
  • SCHAEDEL, Keith Alfred
    Service numbers 141481 , Leading Aircraftman, Repair and Servicing Units, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 3 Jul 1925, Died 7 May 1945, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • PETERSEN, Laurence Theodore
    Service numbers 122996 , Born 7 Mar 1925, Died 23 May 1943, Illness
  • WERNER, Keith Walter
    Service numbers 122263 , Corporal, No. 4 Airfield Construction Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 27 Oct 1924, Died 17 May 1945, Ground Accident
  • GILMORE, Aloysius Patrick
    Service numbers 116103 , Leading Aircraftman, Born 21 Jul 1924, Died 20 May 1943, Accidental
  • BINKS, Esther Mary Ada
    Service numbers 91692 , Aircraftwoman, No. 1 Engineering School Ascot Vale, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 27 Jun 1923, Died 13 May 1942, Illness
  • MURPHY, Ronald Wilson
    Service numbers 48223 , Leading Aircraftman, Born 17 Aug 1918, Died 21 May 1943, Accidental
  • LARKIN, Kenneth Thomas
    Service numbers 47891 , Aircraftman, No. 1 Engineering School Ascot Vale, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 10 Dec 1923, Died 24 May 1942, Died of Illness (Meningococial septicaemia)
  • CHENEY, Clarence Albert
    Service numbers 47626 , Leading Aircraftman, Born 17 Jul 1923, Died 17 May 1945, Injuries (Self inflicted wound)
  • PEARCE, James Andrew
    Service numbers 27195 , Sergeant, No. 10 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force (WW2), Born 29 Aug 1917, Died 17 May 1943, Killed in Action (flying battle)
  • TULLY, Clarence John
    Service numbers 28011 , Corporal, Born 12 Jun 1917, Died 8 May 1945, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • HUGHES, Harold Eric
    Service numbers 26382 , Warrant Officer, Born 26 Sep 1920, Died 11 May 1944, Flying Accident
  • ELY, Ronald Walter
    Service numbers 26355 , Flight Sergeant, Born 5 Mar 1916, Died 11 May 1944, Accidental
  • STOWDOR, Ivan Lapen
    Service numbers 2474 , Corporal, No. 14 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 21 Nov 1914, Died 16 May 1940, Aircraft accident
  • MACKENZIE, Douglas John
    Service numbers 417211, S26345 , Flight Sergeant, Born 18 Nov 1916, Died 2 May 1944, Flying Battle
  • GRAY, Edwin Alfred
    Service numbers S11930, SX14502 , Private, Born 8 Oct 1922, Died 30 May 1943, Killed in Action
  • MITCHELL, Alexander
    Service numbers S213589 , Lieutenant, Born 3 Nov 1891, Died 12 May 1942, Illness
  • YOUNG, William Watson
    Service numbers S213574 , Warrant Officer Class 2, Born 28 Apr 1882, Died 20 May 1941, Illness
  • SMITH, Cecil John
    Service numbers 9973, S212378 , Corporal, 9th Field Company Engineers, AIF WW1, Born 28 Nov 1886, Died 10 May 1941, Illness
  • REID, William
    Service numbers S115574 , Sapper, 1st Royal Australian Engineers Training Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 9 Jan 1909, Died 21 May 1945, Training Accident Injuries
  • GALPIN, Clarence John
    Service numbers S112497 , Private, Born 12 Feb 1911, Died 26 May 1943, Illness
  • CHAPMAN, Alfred Sobey
    Service numbers S62902 , Gunner, 108 Anti Tank / Tank Attack Regiment, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 6 Apr 1902, Died 19 May 1942, Illness
  • GOULD, Desmond Robert
    Service numbers S42094 , Private, Born 8 Sep 1923, Died 2 May 1945, Accidental (Drowning)
  • EVANS, Glen Raymond
    Service numbers S40937 , Gunner, Born 28 Jun 1917, Died 23 May 1942, Illness
  • GRAHAM, Rex Malcolm
    Service numbers S29219 , Private, General / Motor Transport Company/ies, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 6 Nov 1916, Died 6 May 1942, Illness
  • DUNN, Frank Wiseman
    Service numbers S12213 , Lance Bombardier, 108 Anti Tank / Tank Attack Regiment, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 10 Oct 1922, Died 9 May 1942, Accidental (Head Injuries) - Truck Rollover
  • GODDARD, Albert Ernest
    Service numbers S8086 , Private, Born 29 Jan 1921, Died 8 May 1943, Accidental
  • SWAN, Rex Gilbert
    Service numbers S7709 , Private, 24/39 Infantry Battalion AMF, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 30 Apr 1919, Died 21 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • RATHJEN, Ervin Sifroy
    Service numbers S52718, SX39085 , Private, 2nd/23rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 23 Apr 1923, Died 4 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • GOODMAN, Stephen Alfred
    Service numbers S45009, SX38726 , Private, Born 23 Oct 1923, Died 1 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • MERRITT, Ivan Walter Thomas
    Service numbers SX34069 , Sapper, 1st Royal Australian Engineers Training Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 13 Aug 1918, Died 21 May 1945, Training Accident
  • GRASBY, Denby Eric
    Service numbers SX34059 , Sapper, 1st Royal Australian Engineers Training Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 2 Dec 1926, Died 21 May 1945, Training Accident
  • PRETTEJOHN, Colin Gordon
    Service numbers SX33428 , Private, 2nd/23rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 10 Jan 1926, Died 3 May 1945, Died of wounds
  • GILES, Bill
    Service numbers SX33417 , Private, 2nd/24th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 28 Dec 1925, Died 10 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • JOHNSON, Bruce Loudon
    Service numbers SX33262 , Private, 2nd/7th Field Regiment, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 11 Sep 1925, Died 30 May 1945, Presumed
  • NEVILLE, Colin James
    Service numbers SX33182 , Private, 2nd/2nd Pioneer Battalion, Australian Military Forces (WW2) , Born 16 Mar 1925, Died 10 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • JOHNSTON, Henry Kevin
    Service numbers S44133, SX31782 , Private, 2nd/24th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 9 Jun 1924, Died 4 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • ABBOTT, Douglas William
    Service numbers SX31651 , Private, 2nd/24th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 21 Aug 1924, Died 2 May 1945, Died of wounds
  • MERCHANT, Wallace Dudley
    Service numbers S57193, SX30799 , Private, 2nd/2nd Pioneer Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 29 Jun 1924, Died 30 May 1945, Killed in Action
  • HALLS, Claude Grenfield
    Service numbers S111486, SX30709 , Private, 2nd/48th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 17 Oct 1924, Died 15 May 1945, Died of wounds
  • LEHMAN, Gordon Victor
    Service numbers S62844, SX30556 , Gunner, 108 LAA / later 101 Composite Anti Aircraft Regiment, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 28 Jun 1914, Died 11 May 1944, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • CEDERBLAD, John Richard
    Service numbers S20969, SX23956 , Private, Born 27 Mar 1919, Died 18 May 1944, Injuries
  • PEDDER, Harold David Alexander
    Service numbers S28860, SX23850 , Warrant Officer Class 2, Supply Depot Companies / Platoons, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 5 Feb 1915, Died 31 May 1944, Illness
  • GERSCH, Rex Edmund
    Service numbers S7295, SX23212 , Corporal, 2nd/4th Armoured Regiment, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 24 May 1921, Died 3 May 1943, Injuries

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