Introduction by Sir Peter Cosgrove

Today's Honour Roll

Today's Honour Roll recognizes 72 Australians who fell on this day in history.
See Full List
Name Date of Death Conflict
BRUCE, Thomas Allison 29 Mar 1918 World War 1
NEWTON, William Ellis (VC) 29 Mar 1943 World War 2
CATANACH, James (DFC MID) 29 Mar 1944 World War 2
ROBINSON, Harry Arthur 29 Mar 1918 World War 1
THOMPSON, George Neville 29 Mar 1945 World War 2

Happy 105th Birthday to David Bruce Robertson!

The Virtual War Memorial Australia would like to wish a very big happy birthday to David Bruce Robertson who is turning 105 on the 23rd of March!

David Bruce Robertson was born in Sydney on 23 March 1920. (Known as Bruce Robertson.)

A life long passion for flight was triggered when in 1928 his mother took him to see the aviator Charles Kingsford Smith after his successful Trans-Pacific crossing.

Prior to his enlistment in the Royal Australian Air Force he was working in radio consturction and sales and served in the Militia in the 30th Battalion NSW Scottish Regiment which was raised in 1935.

During his service he was involved in sensitive and signifcant operations and he and his colleagues (of 30 Squadron) were responsbile for the provision of intelligence regarding Japanese activity off the coast of Australia and repelling active Japanese attacks. In addition, the support provided to the strategic targets in the north - around Buna - and operational support for Kokoda, Goodenough Island and Lae contributed in no small measure, to the success and final victory of the Allied forces.

In recognition of his service he received the following service medals: 1939-45 Star; Pacific Star; War Medal 1939-45; Australian Service Medal 1939-45 and the Returned from Active Service Badge.