Today's Honour Roll (October 14th)






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Showing 46 of 246 results for people

  • JONES, Richard
    Service numbers NX30490 , Private, 2nd/30th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 1 May 1903, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • JUDGE, Edward James Joseph
    Died 14 Oct 1941, Carcinoma of Kidney
  • KING, Arthur Edward
    Service numbers NX16954 , Private, Born 16 Nov 1904, Died 14 Oct 1944, Illness
  • LAMBERT, Ernest Roy
    Service numbers NX60646 , Sergeant, 2nd/17th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 20 Nov 1913, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • LOUGHNAN, Justin Francis
    Service numbers 18119 , Pilot Officer, Born 3 Sep 1919, Died 14 Oct 1944, Flying Battle
  • LUSCOMBE, Robert Henry
    Service numbers VX42805 , Private, 2nd/23rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 4 Oct 1919, Died 14 Oct 1940, Injuries
  • MACLENNAN, Francis Frederick
    Service numbers VX20740 , Died 14 Oct 1943, Killed in action
  • MCADAM, Ian Alexander
    Service numbers 401654 , Flying Officer, Born 30 Apr 1915, Died 14 Oct 1943, Flying Battle
  • MCCLELLAND, Neal Darcy
    Service numbers NX9619 , Lance Corporal, Born 1 Aug 1918, Died 14 Oct 1941, Illness
  • MCKECHNIE, Alfred Neil
    Service numbers VX35635 , Private, Born 26 Sep 1907, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • MCKENNA, Robert Reginald
    Service numbers NX21022 , Private, Born 9 Mar 1911, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • MCMULLIN, Gordon Alan
    Service numbers 408776 , Warrant Officer, Born 30 Jan 1921, Died 14 Oct 1944, Flying Battle
  • MOONEY, Brian Jefferson Anthony
    Service numbers VX125035 , Bombardier, Born 11 Mar 1924, Died 14 Oct 1943, Injuries
  • MURRAY, William Albert
    Service numbers NX36807 , Private, Born 8 Nov 1908, Died 14 Oct 1941, Injuries (vehicle accident)
  • PAGE, Darcy Keith
    Service numbers NX18218 , Private, 2nd/2nd Pioneer Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 18 Jun 1919, Died 14 Oct 1943, Killed in action
  • PEARMAN, George Stanley
    Service numbers QX9431 , Private, 2nd/26th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 10 Jun 1920, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • PENBERTHY, Gordon Charles
    Service numbers B3536 , Seaman, HMAS Cerberus, Royal Australian Navy, Born 4 Mar 1924, Died 14 Oct 1942, Illness, To Be Determined
  • PESCOD, Richard Bruce
    Service numbers QX54753 , Private, 2nd/27th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 23 Jul 1922, Died 14 Oct 1943, Died of wounds
  • RAFFERTY, Norman Joseph
    Service numbers NX52435 , Corporal, Born 18 Apr 1919, Died 14 Oct 1942, Illness
  • RUTHERFORD, John Maurice
    Service numbers WX10785 , Sergeant, 2nd/4th Machine Gun Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 21 Nov 1920, Died 14 Oct 1943, Cardiac Beri-Beri whilst a prisoner of the Japanese
  • RYAN, John Thomas
    Service numbers NX60400 , Private, 2nd/33rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 3 Sep 1917, Died 14 Oct 1942, Killed in action
  • SAVAGE, Kevin
    Service numbers VX39451 , Corporal, Born 12 Mar 1918, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • SCHLENCKER, Peter Gerald
    Service numbers 405883 , Warrant Officer, No. 77 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 24 Mar 1922, Died 14 Oct 1944, Accidental
  • SLOMAN, Maxwell Glenbervie
    Service numbers 427357 , Flying Officer, Born 2 Jul 1923, Died 14 Oct 1944, Flying Battle
  • SMITH, Ivan Lockhart
    Service numbers VX44388 , Major, 1st Parachute Battalion , Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 2 May 1915, Died 14 Oct 1943, Aircraft Accident
  • SMITH, Jack Lindsay
    Service numbers 405027 , Flight Sergeant, No. 104 Squadron (RAF), Royal Air Force (WW2), Born 15 Jan 1914, Died 14 Oct 1942, Flying Battle
  • SOMERVILLE, Charles Edwards
    Service numbers 402680 , Pilot Officer, No. 6 Service Flying Training School Mallala, Royal Australian Air Force, Born Feb 1917, Died 14 Oct 1941, Accidental (plane crash)
  • SPACKMAN, Peter
    Service numbers 400605 , Sergeant, Born 16 Apr 1920, Died 14 Oct 1941, Accidental (Flying Accident)
  • WARNE, Herbert Arthur
    Service numbers NX59611 , Lieutenant, 2nd/33rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 3 Dec 1916, Died 14 Oct 1942, Killed in Action
  • WATSON, Baxter
    Service numbers 411417 , Flying Officer, Born 26 Jun 1915, Died 14 Oct 1942, Accidental (Aircraft accident)
  • WELLS, Monty John
    Service numbers VX55060 , Private, 2nd/29th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 7 Mar 1921, Died 14 Oct 1943, Illness
  • WILLIAMS, Charles Alfred
    Service numbers 16322 , Flight Lieutenant, No. 42 Squadron RAAF, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 5 Apr 1913, Died 14 Oct 1944, Flying Battle
  • WILLIAMS, William Bedlington Knox
    Service numbers 403087 , Flight Sergeant, Born 24 Mar 1916, Died 14 Oct 1942, Flying Battle
  • WINWARD, Leslie James
    Service numbers VX22942 , Corporal, Australian Army Service Corps, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 12 Apr 1919, Died 14 Oct 1943, Accidental
  • WOODS, Frederick Patrick
    Service numbers NX67126 , Corporal, 2nd/33rd Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 30 Mar 1919, Died 14 Oct 1942, Killed in action
  • COOPER, Granville Thomas
    Service numbers 399 , Trooper, New South Wales Citizen Bushmen, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 3 Jun 1878, Died 14 Oct 1900, Gunshot Wound To Stomach
  • PROUDFOOT, Robert
    Service numbers 260122 , Private, 11th Depot Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1883, Died 14 Oct 1916, Meningitis and Asthenia
  • HUGHES, Thomas
    Service numbers 2668 , Private, 32nd Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1895, Died 14 Oct 1917, Killed In Action
  • BURRELL, Robert John
    Service numbers DEPOT , Private, Depot Battalion , Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Died 14 Oct 1915, Cerebro Spinal Meningitis
    Service numbers DEPOT , Private, Depot Battalion , Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Died 14 Oct 1915, Meningitis
  • MUDDELL, Stanley Robert
    Service numbers 57002 , Sapper, 2nd Field Squadron Engineers, AIF WW1, Born 3 Oct 1886, Died 14 Oct 1918, Dysentry
  • DOUDS, John Patrick
    Service numbers 6751 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 14 Oct 1917, Died of Wounds
  • DUGGAN, John Joseph
    Service numbers 12997 , Private, 9th Field Ambulance, AIF WW1, Born 1896, Died 14 Oct 1917, Died of Wounds
  • HENRY, William James
    Service numbers 3165 , Private, 48th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 28 Apr 1885, Died 14 Oct 1917, Died of Wounds
  • STEWART, William
    Service numbers 993 , Private, 59th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 14 Oct 1917, Died of Wounds
  • STAYNER, Graham Richard Francis
    Service numbers 14 , Bombardier, 14th Field Artillery Brigade , AIF WW1, Died 14 Oct 1918, Died of Wounds

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