Today's Honour Roll (September 17th)






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  • ALLEN, Gillen Whitford
    Service numbers 1878 , Corporal, 27th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 31 May 1893, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died of Wounds
  • ANDERSON, James
    Service numbers 1846, 1846A , Gunner, 2nd Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Died of wounds
  • ARNOLD, William Arden Egerton
    Service numbers 946 , Private, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, AIF WW1, Born 1898, Died 17 Sep 1915, Died of wounds
  • AUSTIN, Edwin Alexander
    Service numbers 1298 , Gunner, 13th Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 1890, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • BALAAM, Walter Benjamin
    Service numbers 7211 , Private, 11th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 5 Jul 1892, Died 17 Sep 1917, Died of wounds
  • BARRETT, Edwin Isaac
    Service numbers 5119 , Private, 21st Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 12 Sep 1893, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died of wounds
  • BEGG, Colin Boyd
    Service numbers 18951 , Aircraftman, No. 1 Squadron (RAAF), Royal Australian Air Force, Born 22 Jan 1916, Died 17 Sep 1944, Died at sea (Rakuyo Maru)
  • BENCE, Ronald Richard
    Service numbers VX63525 , Private, 2nd/29th Infantry Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 30 Jan 1940, Died 17 Sep 1943, Illness - Malaria
  • BERGIN, Edward Patrick
    Service numbers 592 , Private, 8th Machine Gun Company, AIF WW1, Born 4 May 1899, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • BEVERICK, Thomas
    Service numbers 419 , Private, 22nd Machine Gun Company, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • BISHOP, Frank Hepburn
    Service numbers 2645 , Private, 13th Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 14 Sep 1881, Died 17 Sep 1919, Pulmonary Consumption (TB)
  • BOOTH, George
    Service numbers 3538 , Private, 52nd Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Died of wounds
  • BOULTER, Cecil Goulburn
    Service numbers QX11348 , Private, Born 24 Jun 1920, Died 17 Sep 1941, Illness
  • BRABNER, Harold James
    Service numbers 274 , Company Sergeant Major, 11th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 25 May 1894, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • BROWN, Frederick James George
    Service numbers 1307 , Trooper, 5th Light Horse Regiment, AIF WW1, Born 21 Sep 1896, Died 17 Sep 1916, Killed in Action
  • BUGLER, Harry Rowa
    Service numbers 1832 , Sapper, 3rd Divisional Signal Company, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • BYRNES, Charles Frederick
    Service numbers 3041 , Private, 60th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1916, Killed in Action
  • CAMERON, Graham
    Service numbers 4353 , Private, 10th Field Ambulance, AIF WW1, Born 28 Jun 1888, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died of wounds
  • CAMPBELL, Alexander Craven
    Service numbers 407890 , Flying Officer, Born 21 Jun 1922, Died 17 Sep 1942, Flying Battle
  • CHERRIE, Wane
    Service numbers 18436 , Sergeant, 7th Field Artillery Brigade, AIF WW1, Born 1886, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • CLARK, Donald
    Service numbers 184 , Lance Corporal, 1st Field Company Engineers, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • CLEVERLY, Thomas
    Service numbers 122, 122A , Corporal, 11th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • COLE, Ross Charles
    Service numbers B/1597 , Able Seaman, Born 15 Mar 1916, Died 17 Sep 1940, Killed in Action
  • COLLINS, Ernest Milton
    Service numbers 33 , Private, 51st Infantry Battalion (WW1), AIF WW1, Born 26 Nov 1893, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died of wounds
  • COLLINS, John
    Service numbers 5 , Corporal, 6th Field Artillery Brigade , AIF WW1, Born 18 May 1882, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • COOK, Percy Henry
    Service numbers 1883 , Private, 57th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1891, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed In Action
  • CRAIG, Donald Victor
    Service numbers 6306 , Private, 22nd Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • CREELMAN, William John
    Service numbers 52 , Lance Corporal, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushman, Australian and Colonial Military Forces (Boer War / Boxer Rebellion), Born 7 Dec 1867, Died 17 Sep 1900, Enteric Fever
  • DAVIDSON, John Henry
    Service numbers SX9061 , Private, 1 Company Australian Army Service Corps, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 4 Oct 1918, Died 17 Sep 1943, Illness
  • DAVIDSON, Thomas
    Service numbers WX7909 , Private, 2nd/4th Machine Gun Battalion, Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 15 Jan 1910, Died 17 Sep 1943, Illness
  • DEWES, Harold
    Service numbers 6491 , Private, 15th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died of wounds
  • DOMINICK, Percy John
    Service numbers N453802 , Private, Born 20 Feb 1905, Died 17 Sep 1945, Influenza, Pneumonia and Myocarditis
  • DOWELL, George Slater
    Service numbers 19049 , Sapper, 1st Field Company Engineers, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1918, Killed in action
  • DOWNEY, William Karlin
    Service numbers 29453 , Sergeant, Australian Field Artillery - 116th to 120th Howitzer Batteries: AIF, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Died of wounds
  • EDELSTEN, Frederick John
    Service numbers 205821 , Warrant Officer, Born 2 Apr 1914, Died 17 Sep 1945, Accidental (Ground Accident)
  • ELLIOTT, James Frederick
    Service numbers WX8277 , Sapper, 2nd/1st Railway Construction Company (RAE), Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 10 Jan 1905, Died 17 Sep 1941, Died of Illness
  • EVANS, David Oliver Rupert
    Service numbers 7103 , Private, 2nd Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in action
  • FIELDING, Leslie Gordon
    Service numbers 25608 , Petty Officer, HMAS Penguin (IV) 1939-1940/HMAS Brisbane 1940-1942/HMAS Moreton (I) 1942-1994 (Depot), Royal Australian Navy, Born 24 Jan 1918, Died 17 Sep 1942, Fall from 3rd story window
  • FOOTT, Arthur Patrick
    Service numbers 2570, 2570A , Private, 1st Pioneer Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 29 Mar 1879, Died 17 Sep 1917, Killed in Action
  • FORBES, Lionel Robert
    Service numbers 2261 , Private, 27th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 26 May 1893, Died 17 Sep 1915, Died of Illness (Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis)
  • FORSTER, Frank Rickard
    Service numbers 4497 , Private, 6th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1891, Died 17 Sep 1916, Killed in Action
  • GAYLARD, Henry Charles
    Service numbers 2906, 2906B , Private, 17th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 17 Sep 1895, Died 17 Sep 1918, Died whilst a prisoner of the Germans
  • GILCHRIST, Donald Richard
    Service numbers 407641 , Sergeant, Aircrew Training Units, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 15 Nov 1912, Died 17 Sep 1942, Flying Battle
  • GREEN, William Henry
    Service numbers V80658 , Private, 3 Garrison Battalion (Vic), Australian Military Forces (Army WW2), Born 28 Dec 1885, Died 17 Sep 1945, Illness
  • HALL, Harold Albert
    Service numbers 2798 , Private, 16th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 15 Nov 1896, Died 17 Sep 1917, Illness while a Prisoner of War
  • HARPER, Clyde McDonald
    Service numbers 5042 , Private, 49th Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born Sep 1886, Died 17 Sep 1918, Killed in Action
  • HARRIS, Ronald William
    Service numbers 115768 , Aircraftman, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Born 20 Jul 1924, Died 17 Sep 1942, Illness
  • HAYNE, Maxwell Ernest
    Service numbers N610 , Trooper, Born 21 Aug 1918, Died 17 Sep 1942, Cerebrospinal Meningitis
  • HEARD, Albert Jack
    Service numbers 1685, 1685A , Private, 21st Infantry Battalion, AIF WW1, Born 1888, Died 17 Sep 1915, Killed in Action
  • HILL, Dennis
    Service numbers 416023 , Sergeant, Born 21 Aug 1918, Died 17 Sep 1942, Flying Battle

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